Evil begets Evil.

Another bat shagging headcase to replace the original batty criminal basket case.


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All I know of cockney rhyming slang is porky pies, which certainly applies here! Just checked out family name of Fauci's replacement which looked germanic to me but is in fact Scottish: "Auchincloss is a surname of Scottish origin, derived from an area in Ayrshire known as Auchincloich, which is Scottish Gaelic for "field of stones" (wiki). Nothing in cockney slang guide but I'm sure it could translated (transfected?) with a bit of imagination?

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What do we expect birds of a feather fly together...and the Dems will give him total Deep Admin State protection and wealth...

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Theres gotta be a law...

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WTH? They simply will NOT stop, Peter! What is the answer?

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Follow the money.

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Yes and the evil - cui malum

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cui prodest

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prodest = men,

qui prodest = who profits?

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I guess you can say cui malum (?) but cui prodest (fr. verb. = prosum = to benefit/profit from) means profiting from evil/a crime, cf. cui bono but stronger and precisely what you mean I think.

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just checked: "Short for cui prodest scelus is fecit (for whom the crime advances, he has done it) in Seneca's Medea. Thus, the murderer is often the one who gains by the murder (cf. cui bono)."

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The motto of the vaxxed "dulce et decorum est, pro patria mori"!

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