qjuick win for dems and rinos.... they keep winning eventhough the people have Trump a mandate.... so the really guilty liely will continue to be free

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Anyone Trump appoints for his “agenda” will have to be as evil as Trump is. Biden and his ilk are just as evil. Both sides are working together to destroy America and bring in the NWO. They have done an incredible job on the brainwashing of our people to fight each other instead of THEM.

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Gaetz aka The Fonz. Pretty boy is too unserious for such a role, and if the allegations are true, get the heck outta here!

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its powerful to keep the allegations open rather than release the report.... we know what liars the dems and rinos are

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Thank you for giving us the Cabal’s view on the situation. Now you can focus on someone else to try to destroy!

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