Thank PH. Green hypocrites full of shit. Prior to this scamdemic 90+% of folk couldn't be bothered to think about the other scams being foisted on a dumb, subservient & bone idle humanity.

Now with more folk really waking up. There is a tiny glimmer of hope that their evil will be exorcised.

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Tanya, I agree. Yet,what we are living through today is much bigger than many realize. This is an all out spiritual war. And Im not talking about religion. It’s has everything to do with satan who wishes to destroy anything and everything related to God, right down to a women’s reproductive system. *think vaxes.

All of these minions, the WEF, un, cdc, fda big Harma , presidents, mayors and many more all worship this evil and vile POS. Once we end this the better off those of us who survive this will be. Until we stop our evil ways and truly repent for out transgressions or this evil will continue.

All of these minions and talking heads are not even human. Think about it, even the most demented human sees thru this bullshit and lies.

We threw God to the curb, we kill babies for convenience, we’ve treated earth like a garbage can, we worship money. Morals are gone, respect for people, animals and our beautiful lands is gone.

We did this to ourselves, yet the good news is we can undo it before it’s too late.

The “power elites” answer to only one, satan. Once folks understand this and wake up we may have a chance, because right now satan is having one Hell of a good time right now. Pun intended.

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I see the typical problem in this article. Total confusion of the issue without any understanding that this is being done. The power structure, oligarchy, Deep State, whatever you call it is very good at taking real issues and subverting them. Further, they use this to create division in the public and this piece is a good example. If this piece talked about the WEF and its goals to control the world through control of food with the goal of manufacturing all food and patenting it for control and profit then it might have gotten close to reality. Of course the attack on the Dutch dairy farmers who provide a vast majority of the dairy to Europe is part of this effort to kill off natural food and the independent farmers who produce it. As Vandana Shiva notes cows raised on grass that is freely foraged do not expel all that methane they are accused of doing So the green solution is organic and sustainable farming, not manufactured, fake food patented for profit and control. This twisting of ideas and goals is typical of the Power Elites. It perverts the very definition of the issue. It is an old tactic. But the public has a responsibility here. It needs to do its own research without prejudice. It needs to be open minded to see how it is being used for creating conflict and diversion and confusion. It needs to really understanding who is pulling the strings and what their real goal is. Green solutions are not the issue; Power and Profit are.

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May 6, 2023Liked by Peter Halligan

Climate Chains

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