Well done Collier County. Hopefully a lesson in real democracy, for others to learn from & follow.

Well done the awake Floridians!

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Great approach. Without LOCAL enforcement, they cannot do this crap to us.

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Apr 18, 2023Liked by Peter Halligan

This message of hope paid for by a Canadian who needed a bit of a ray of hope today. Globalist thugs may beat me, even kill me. But knowing that another freedom fighter was high on caffeine just one more morning makes it all right.

Caution: contents hot.

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Drinking it now! Thanks!

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deletedApr 18, 2023Liked by Peter Halligan
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My Scottish history is sadly lacking. Haven't the Scots ruled England and Ireland since James VI of Scotland became James I of England and Ireland?

I know the Scots are a feature and not a bug in Westminster history, supplying Prime Ministers and Chancellors with astonishing regularity - (as well as some of their finest engineers and whisky!)

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