Jan 7, 2023·edited Jan 7, 2023

Does Boeing sponsor the FAA? YES, look at how they let those Boeing Jets crash with known issues, and nobody from Boeing or the FAA went to jail.. Does big pharma pay the FDA/CDC? Yes, lets hope the story changes and somebody goes to jail, your analogy was awesome, FDA is killing a lot more, but its no news Media MSM, covering the deaths, the plane crashes the MSM covered that, but also covered it up for Boeing, so our government entities are all captured, a good place to start taking back our freedoms at all these unelected officials agencies, who are minions for their respective Masters.. When these planes start falling out the air from these poison bio weapons, then we will have the new FAA/FDA/CDC=MAFIA joining forces, because they will come up with some excuse why the plane crashed, and it won't be the poison bio weapon vaccine.

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The FAA should demand from all carriers World wide...no more of these shots for pilots or cabin crew for they are hazardous to flying safety. They have the power to say that foreign pilots flying in US airspace no longer get boosters and new pilots must not get these jabs...period.

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Why has the FAA violated its own safety protocols with regard to pilots?

Big gap in your reasoning, I’d say.


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Jan 7, 2023·edited Jan 7, 2023

I just watched a documentary on the 737 max and 2 crashes due to a new system installed in the rework of the 737. The FAA covered for Boeing. I believe they called Boeing their customer. There was a whistleblower no one listened to at Boeing. There was so much similarity in refusing to listen and cover up that I was making comparisons to Pharma/FDA the whole time. You should watch it. I’ll see if I can find where I watched.

Edit for accuracy and added documentary name.

Flight/Risk on Amazon Prime

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I guess all government agencies are captured by big bucks.

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Great analogy!

Maybe they'll start using jab jets to get to those hard to reach places!!

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