I worry that once Big Pharma works on our government they will insist that the 20 million illegals get the jab. Can you imagine the follow on sickness and Medicare costs? Scary.

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As with FEMA dispersing aid to illegal immigrants - meaning less was available for Hurricane Helene victims - I wonder how many Americans are NOT being treated in hospitals (or have become infected) or are having treatment delayed because their spaces are being taken up by tens of millions of "not so healthy" immigrants.

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I cannot express how much I hate these idiots.

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Maybe Australia should self Identify too. Unfortunately that wont happen the Politicians have Sold the Australian People out to their Multinationals Paymasters. We are a Corporation owned by overseas investors .The over Fluoridated Dumbed down Brainwashed ( Thanks to the Paid off Parasites that call themselves Journalists can’t and may never see it. Fascism is in Control in Australia.


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It is all about wealth transfer, about breaking the working classes in developed nations. Sold as a duty to those unfortunates.

We see this with runaway welfare costs in our nation's. Now, a supra-national grift to accelerate the decline.

The money won't actually help anyone in need, it will be clipped into nothing by Blackrock, Vanguard et al. Corruption in the 'target' nations will finish it off.

There is no stopping condition for these policies, like so many others driven by The Monster.

Dark days, the latest if many.


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"Your observation aligns well with Gustave Le Bon's theories on crowd psychology. In his book The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind, Le Bon discusses how leaders who initially meet the needs of their followers but later betray them can incite intense emotions and reactions from the crowd[1]. He describes how crowds can become impulsive, irritable, and capable of extreme actions when they feel betrayed[1].

This idea can indeed be paralleled with the behavior observed in the chimpanzee group, where the betrayal of the group's expectations by the alpha male led to violent retribution.


[1] The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind - Wikipedia"

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"Let them eat cake."

-Sound of a Giullotine in the background.


"Stealing from capitalism is not like stealing out of our own pockets. Marx and Lenin have taught us that anything is ethical, so long as it is in the interest of the proletarian class and its world revolution."

-Sound of rifle bolts chambering rounds. Sound of of a whimpering dictator. Sound of rifles being discharged on an order to fire.

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You can line Canada right up with the UK. Full-on Communist Liberal Party government - a Liberal Party that will never rise from their ashes after the next election. 😡😡😡This climate redistribution of wealth is making millions and millions of people furious and must END. There is NOTHING wrong with our climate. It is a Globalist SCAM.

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The United Nations is a racket.

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Another funnel that defies gravity, as the money extracted from each country

for the imagined crisis goes upward into the pockets of the greediest people

on earth. Not one penny to this organization. The words may sound lofty, but

the reality is death, disease, war, and famine.

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And. The debt is funny money. Bitcoin is going to be mighty handy!

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At the aftermath of Hurricane Helene only dollars and silver and gold were accepted as payments. No credit or debit cards.

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