And in the North--even worse

The PHA/ N. I Department of Health is seeking control of all of all of us by introducing totalitarian legislation governing “premises, things, persons and related persons”

The legislation would remove civil rights-wrt bodily autonomy, property rights, parental rights, possession rights including animals, the freedom to associate and the right to work as well as introducing a surveillance regime. It is difficult to name any rights we would retain.

It is all about enforcement-why?-there is no mention of preventative practice, good health policy, no mention of a risk benefit analysis nor that it is the results of carrying out a review of previous policy.

It seems nothing has been learnt from its application of Covid policies in terms of their failure to control a virus and the widespread and well documented harms the policies caused, furthermore there has been no recognition that even according to their own data such draconian policies were unnecessary.

The government states that the policies should be “consistent with the WHO international Health Regulations” Actually I would contend that the proposed Bill implements the IHR Amendments eg

“Change existing IHR provisions affecting individuals from non-binding to binding, including border closures, travel restrictions, confinement (quarantine), medical examinations and medication of individuals. The latter would encompass requirements for injection with vaccines or other pharmaceuticals.” And

“Set up an extensive surveillance process in all States, which WHO will verify regularly through a country review mechanism”

Summary of proposals

There are powers to close premises, businesses, schools, confiscate goods and animals, arrest and detain people , forcibly vaccinate and carry out medical examinations. There are extensive surveillance and monitoring powers, including the removal of documents and hardware. The powers are so totalitarian that I have chosen to provide an extensive summary in order to highlight the true horror.

Para 76: The restrictions or requirements that may be imposed on a person by an order are that:

• The person be removed to a hospital or other suitable establishment;

• the person be detained in a hospital or other suitable establishment;

• the person be kept in isolation or quarantine;

• the person be disinfected or decontaminated;

• the person wear protective clothing;

• the person provide information or answer questions about the person’s health or other circumstances;

• the person’s health be monitored and the results reported;

• the person attends training or advice sessions on how to reduce the risk of infecting or contaminating others;

• the person be subject to restrictions on where the person goes or with whom the person has contact;

• the person abstains from working or trading.

Para 77: Where a court is satisfied..the order may also make provision in relation to a child in that a person with parental responsibility for the child.. to secure that the child submits to or complies with the restrictions or requirements imposed by the order.

Para 61. The officer may for the purpose for which entry is authorised:

• search the premises;

• carry out measurements and tests of the premises or of anything found on them;

• take and retain samples of the premises or of anything found on them;

• inspect and take copies or extracts of any documents or records found on the premises;

• require information stored in an electronic form and accessible from the premises to be produced in a form in which it can be taken away and in which it is visible and legible or from which it can readily be produced in a visible and legible form; and

• seize and detain or remove anything which the officer reasonably believes to be evidence of any contravention relevant to the purpose for which entry is authorised.

Para 87 gives powers to seize goods

Paras 172 and 179 impose a requirement on persons to be vaccinated

Para 114 refers to forced medical examinations, invasive and intrusive

Para 116ff gives powers of entry, whereby an official can enter any premises by force, accompanied by others and “may take with them any such person or equipment and materials as may be necessary.” A clear breach of Human Rights.

Para 119 gives powers to remove documents and information stored in electronic form

And Para 102 gives the Department the power to enforce

-such other restrictions or requirements as the court considers necessary

These proposals are a clear violation of informed consent, the principle on which our healthcare is based.

The powers are truly all encompassing removing human rights and ignoring civil liberties

the language is one of repression and worthy of a totalitarian regime at its height.

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See, it works. Just say NO.

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Good on the Mics and Paddies. I was losing faith in ye. What the hell was the point of throwing off the British yoke only to bear an Irish one. I have asked before, What? All hose wonderful Irish rebellion songs were for nothing? This and their actions against the invading immigrants gives me hope that true sone of Erin still walk thee ol sod.

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The Irish are yoked to the EU without whose subsidies they could not survive.

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That was damned foolish of them.

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