More than twenty years ago haloperidol was prescribed as an anti-psychotic. Our clients at the halfway house continually explained how it made them very sensitive to light, thirsty, put on weight, gave them terrible dreams, upset their sleep, and other very uncomfortable physical things that were ALL DENIED to be happening by the medical profession.

This drug is also used in the CANCER INDUSTRY as an anti-nausea treatment now, repurposed, and not notified anywhere I can find for this use. IT STILL HAS THE SAME EFFECTS.

and is even harder on a body that is very ill and compromised with other ailments and treatments..

Haloperidol was part of the Liverpool Care Pathway that had to be banned because they were systematically killing to many people over the age of 65 in the UK

Combined with Morphine it potentiates lethality and then top it off with midazolam and no food or hydration.. we have a form of euthanasia.

Simple interesting now hidden fact , over three percent of hospice patients completely recover once they have been released from the treatment drugs. Probably not now though.

NZ FACT SHEET on Haloperdol /Seenace.


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Twice as many deaths from heart attacks with the Pfizer Vax than the placebo.

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Will someone please give Dr Peter Breggin credit and kudos for uncovering years ago the adverse effects of SSRI drugs I.e. Prozac and his attempt to scream it from the rafters for years only to be ignored! He is an extremely intelligent man as is his wife Ginger I strongly suggest their Substack as well as their book COVID 19 And The Global Predators We Are The Prey and an oldie but goodie I had to buy it used Talking Back to Prozac. Dr Breggin has been on to the disastrous FDA and the horrific side effects of these drugs. The FDA is willfully negligent they are simply whores to Bog Pharma

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YEAH!! Peter and Ginger.

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