Quotes Kissinger “America as a friend is dangerous - America as an enemy is fatal”
Context of Kissinger quote - https://skeptics.stackexchange.com/questions/56470/did-henry-kissinger-say-it-may-be-dangerous-to-be-americas-enemy-but-to-be-am
Somehow many people fail to “consider the source.” I will say that if he’s talking about Carter, Clinton, both Bushes, Obama and Biden- he’s spot on!
Apart from that, Sachs is a committed globalist, ardent defender of the SDGs, a believer in climate change hoax, ex-head of enquiry into covid origins which was total fiasco and supporter of Democrats until 2024.
Yes. I posted a comment about Islam and the migrant crisis, Also. I did not have the heart to talk about 20 million vaxx deaths and rising,
He said: “America as an enemy is dangerous - America as a friend is fatal”
Context of Kissinger quote - https://skeptics.stackexchange.com/questions/56470/did-henry-kissinger-say-it-may-be-dangerous-to-be-americas-enemy-but-to-be-am
Somehow many people fail to “consider the source.” I will say that if he’s talking about Carter, Clinton, both Bushes, Obama and Biden- he’s spot on!
Apart from that, Sachs is a committed globalist, ardent defender of the SDGs, a believer in climate change hoax, ex-head of enquiry into covid origins which was total fiasco and supporter of Democrats until 2024.
Yes. I posted a comment about Islam and the migrant crisis, Also. I did not have the heart to talk about 20 million vaxx deaths and rising,
He said: “America as an enemy is dangerous - America as a friend is fatal”