I saw an interesting photo recently of the roads by the new ULEZ area. The ULEX carriageway was empty but for one car, the other carriageways nose to tail standing traffic. That makes MORE pollution as the vehicles line up stationary with the engines chugging away. How can that be a better solution?

As to public transport options, where I live ther is literally ONE bus A WEEK to the local market town. The return bus comes back 40 minutes later so if you don't manage a weekly shop in that time you are stuffed until the following week, or face a long walk or hefty priced taxi ride. So yeah, we need our independent transport.

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Interesting the money expected to be raised with the charges...a quarter of a million pounds and more in the future...where does that money go?...into the pockets of the rich...

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The removal of personal transport (automobiles) was always a UNEP/UNFCCC/UN Urban Agenda Habitat III, goal.

However, there was always an intermediate step between this express goal, namely how to diminish a vast number of people in order to actually make it a theoretical possibility?

That has now been answered.

Those STILL LEFT who may be capable, will walk, cycle or take public transport.

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It seems to be a “no cars for the poors” strategy. The wealthy can drive their 12 litre Bentley without a concern. The poors go get acid attacked in the subway.

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