Marxist Democrats, liberal males, and the women and children they have brainwashed are now merely a perverted version of the Khmer Rouge...

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I've been telling some people - those who won't light me on fire - about the 3 Great Lies of Our Time. However, with now even more opportunity to combust, I can now mention a Fourth:

1. Catastrophic Man-made Global Warming Due to Increasing CO2

2. The "most fair election ever" in Nov 2020 when DNC operatives "seemingly" stopped counting votes in swing states with huge Trump leads, only to reopen hours later with statistically impossible vote surges for Biden,

3. The "safe and effective" experimental gene therapy shots, and now,

4. "Reality is what I want it to be," a Tinkerbell take on existence that gives license to "doctors" and "hospitals" to mutilate children and adults per momentary whims and (for the "health providers") some fat stacks of filthy lucre.

Any predictions on the Next Great Lie of our Time?

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Here's my prediction: "Alien invasion," leading to "forced" one-world government (to placate the aliens). Expect a mass casualty event, expect deep-fake/AI video to back it up. It will be the hoax of the century.

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Have to add one more huge lie. Overpopulation!! That is their end game!

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We are under a multi-pronged attack and pushing transgenderism is part of the plan of the destruction of society.

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Hell, I'm living through watching the society that existed in the late fifties Transition to a place where insanity is lauded and scientific truths are getting children arrested and removed from school. Imagine wearing a shirt that says

There's only two genders to school and getting the cops called on you?

I'm sure I've got the story Wrong in some details, the deal is, it's Actually controversial to state the obvious.

The Science is Settled

On climate

But what made men men and women women since the beginning of time?

Well,, we had that All Wrong till just a few years ago..

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Thanks PH. Yet another massive Elephant in the room. Zero attention paid to these affected folk is yet another crime laid at the bloody "experts" feet.

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A long time friend had a daughter around the time I had my first son. They grew up together, his daughter seemed like a well adjusted girl, no signs at all that she was “a boy in a girls body”. She ended up transitioning as a teen, and our friend was forced (by his wife, who is a total leftist whacko) to accept and affirm his daughter now being a boy; calling her ‘he, him etc...the marriage couldn’t sustain such dissonance, and they are now divorcing. So sad how this tears families apart.

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The entire Leftist facade is fake and some know it but many more just must keep doubling down in order to preserve their delusions. An emotional crisis would unfold otherwise.

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“By the way, I thought the “Q” in “LBGTQ+” stood for “Queer”. Not so! It stands for “Questioning”. You learn something stupid every day!” <- I thought it stood for queer as well...a member of the alphabet community TOLD me that’s what it stands for years ago. So interesting that it now means “questioning.” 🙄🙄🙄

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I can honestly say that if one of my kids had expressed the desire to transition to opposite sex and I was told it's either that or your child will potentially commit suicide, I would say I'd prefer latter, although I suppose they'd take the kids from you if you said that nowadays.

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One mom responded to her daughter’s interest in “transitioning” by shutting down all contact with the trans cultists both inline and In person, taking her daughter out of her school, and moving with her daughter, temporarily, to a much more wholesome rural environment where life was untouched by all this nonsense. Her daughter returned to normal. Radical intervention of this kind is probably the best approach, as it strengthens the real bond between mother and child, and filters out the false narratives and social pressures that drive this cult. Unfortunately, too often the mothers are among the primary enablers—taking their toddlers to drag shows, cross-dressing their kids, and treating the whole subject as a way to acquire status for themselves. Also, the government is making it harder for parents to rescue their children like that heroic mom did. But it’s still the best approach. Immersion in anything real is more satisfying than clinging to delusions.

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This is ONLY possible solution. And the escape must be made to a state that won't seek to remove the child from the parental home over transgender heresy on the part of the parent..

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Now THAT is a Mom who deserves a 5-star, all-expense paid Mothers Day!!

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