Crikey Peter, who's your supplier? I want me some of that 6p a unit electricity.

Don't know anyone who's paying less than about 22p!

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Wait till the UK government starts to charge EV drivers (and possibly all?) for every mile driven. Pay per mile is being talked about.

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I did read that. Electricity, by KWH at 80 pence or about $1?

Holy moly.. We are I think under

$.22 per KWH.

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Well, thugs in charge don't want anyone besides themselves making use of freedom of movement. The weight, expense, & lack of charging stations for the batteries is just "unsustainable", & how many folks want to be looking for a charge (in the US) every 200 miles, even if the power grid could support it.

I think all the damaged batteries should be stored at Al Gore's house, or any one of crackpots worldwide, pushing the lies of climate emergency.

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The reality of UN Urban Agenda Habitat III makes everything crystalline. With regard to transportation, one will self-propel by foot or on a bicycle. Otherwise one vill use publik transportation. The UN document does not outline how the 'elite' will manifest their freedom; possibly by the purchase of a right to use power or petrol or to even to continue to own a vehicle. Municipal authorities may operate EV pools. Access to such public/private mobility may also be determined by ESG score / Social Compliance metrics / CBDC adherence / vaxx status / financial power.

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Good luck with that. It's a 18 mile round trip to my nearest store and we have one bus A WEEK with a 40 minute turnaround for the journey back home. What can they do if we all say no? They can't do anything. Say no. Don't accept it's a done deal. Don't let them get away with it. NO is the most powerful word out there. We all say no and they've got nothing.

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Absolutely. Nyet or better still to all those bureaucrats and politicians bowing at their globalist waists, skewer you.

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And who is going to pay for a replacement battery?…..The Taxpayers no doubt if the Progressive had their way….and the nuke reactor needed to power all the EVs and AI…of course the Tax Payers!!!

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