I just watched the video, thank you so much. This was really, really interesting.🌺

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Was that a Monty Python skit?

—"The great thing about the FDA is they are so transparent."—

—"It's usually the FDA that approves a drug but this time they were sidelined."—

Really? The injections are the virus. There were more flu deaths in 2017-18 than so-called COVID deaths in 2020-21. The deaths only went 'warp speed' when the injections were rolled out and mandated. Oh yeah, and the flu disappeared in 2021. These two are talking business as usual, sloppy QC, and appear (above comment) entirely unaware of the real reason the injections were blasted out without any of the normal safety data or package inserts ... and it wasn't because COVID was so deadly there was no time to fully test an experimental gene therapy. If that really were the case, a standard attenuated viral protein would have been sufficient—if one could be isolated and transcribed. No. The injections are the virus and the most awake doctors and scientists are aware of that now.

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Agreed. Mr Rees is the first and only expert in the field who has come forward to point out how the criminal cabal (pharma+reg agencies) are dodging vital safety protocols from the scaling up of production to billions, plus the extraction of single doses from 5 dose vials as part of the production process, plus dethawing as part of the production process - by medics untrained in the production process.

i do not understand why batch/lot data for the most severe outcomes are not traced back to the person who injected the dose, back to the batchlot back to the shipper, to the distribution hum, back to the finishing plant, to the manufacturer and so on - all the way back to the source.

Your key point is that the injections are the weapon and I agree.

I cannot understand how injecting instructions (using toxic PEG coatings of toxic lipid nanoparticles that contain insttructions to generate toxic spike proteins) can possibly be a valid medical proposition.

to me, it is likely injecting the entire population with snake venom, or cholera, or malaria to prevent each, rather than (as with snake venom) taking the immune response cultivated in a third party (e.g. a sheep, horse or cow that has developed super-immunity from repeated exposure - and which has not been killed by that process).

who on earth decided that the correct response was to incoultate the planet with an experimental, unproven treatment that had never worked before AND which failed clinical trials AND that should be manufactured by companies with zero exprience of manufacturing gene modification doses in the billions.

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The speed of science is painstakingly slow. Warp speed is faster than the speed of light. Supply chains are complex systems that operate at speeds between science and warp. Mix them all together and we get a disastrous result.

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Your last paragraph ties it all up in a neat package, Peter. It was the WHO—owned and operated by Gates and the CCP and, of course, all directly linked to the UN and the WEF. If I had written this three years ago I'd seriously be considering calling the nice young men in their clean white coats. This was no bumbling series of unfortunate events. Great articles. Thank you.

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No problem. There are millions of people around the world with experience and expertise that contributes to whole infrastructures and supply chains for all the myriad products and services that make life pleasant and safe. These people have been side-lined, belittled and ignored by the Borg (= socialism, subjugation of the individual to a state of kakistocrats - a Borg that cares nothing for the individual only that the Borg can create a world of excited misery that the Borg controls. Unfortunately for them, the millions of valuable people will not comply with the maxim "Resistance is Futile".

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Thank you Peter.

The whole shitshow has been the best ever expose of the following.


A system of government that is centralized and dictatorial and requires complete subservience to the state.

"democratic countries were fighting against totalitarianism"

That last line is the most hypocritical set of letters that have ever been typed & published.

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As I understand it, no safety inspections or quality control checks are required under EUA

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And that’s because the FDA is “owned” by Big Pharma”!

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