One and a half million more Americans died during the pandemic compared to prior years - the causes are about to be made compulsory by the anti-humans operating globally
This article may prove a little rambling for some - for which I apologise. It started off as the usual weekly update on VAERS, dose numbers and C19 infections, but since VAERS deaths are now being revised downwards, injections have stopped and the health emergency ended, all data is now even more suspect than ever.
Here is the “butcher’s bill” of US deaths over the three calendar years of the pandemic
These US deaths need to be reconciled - and represent the largest death toll from a specific event in American history. And yet, there is no interest in any kind of enquiry, but there are regulations being drafted to repeat and magnify the errors made.
The extra deaths over and above the pre-C19 period of 2015-2019 amount to +565,000 for each calendar year of 2020, 2021 and 2022 - graphically illustrated here:
United States Deaths in 2022, How Many Deaths in United States 2022 | Dead or Kicking
The US death rate is the red line, the blue is total US deaths – green is US population.
Here’s the data in tabular form.
(100) The Giant Injection in the Room - Estimates of the Dead (
565,000 extra deaths per annum over 2020-2022 compared to the average of 2018 and 2019.
It is highly likely that pharmaceutical interventions and non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPI’s) CAUSED the leap in US deaths. These were NOT C19 deaths.
Interventions were stipulated by the WHO and enforced by US health regulators .The WHO threw out decades of research on masks, lockdowns and social distancing, advocated for the ban on IVM and HCQ and promoted experimental mRNA injections with a track record of failure and harm which failed clinical trials. ALL WITH NO MANUFACTURING QUALITY CONTROL FOR 13 BILLION DOSES.
These deadly failures are about to made legally binding by amendments to the International Health Regulations and a new pandemic treaty.
Recent research from Germany showed no abnormality in excess deaths for the first year of the pandemic, in 2020. C19 had little to no impact on the number of excess deaths in Germany.
The implication is that differences in treatment protocols between the US and Germany were the key point of difference and that ALL 2020 US extra deaths were CAUSED by these differences.
German excess deaths (and stillbirths) rose markedly AFTER the roll-out of C19 injections – both mRNA and viral vector, increasing from a large increase in the first year of C19 injection roll-out of 2021, to staggeringly high numbers in the second year of 2022.
The average ANNUAL US extra deaths of 565,000 for the three years of 2020, 2021 and 2022 (1,695,000 in total for three years, 10,865 every week for three years) compared to the average of deaths over 2018-2019 is the equivalent of -
And not a word in the MSM, Congress, medical authorities, universities – no-one is showing the slightest interest in assessing this catastrophe.
So, that’s the horrific “big picture”.
Why were there any excess deaths at all in the US in 2020 when Germany had (almost) none and how many people died and will die from injuries inflicted by C19 injections.
Let’s move on to the injections.
Deaths and Adverse Events from C19 mRNA Injections
From here, US deaths reported to VAERS are 17,478 amongst 35,272 from around the world and US adverse events are 963,284 amongst 1,682,008 from around the world.
Globally, the C19 mRNA and viral vector injections have “raped” more than 5 billion adults and children worldwide, harvesting tens of millions of lives of the elderly, indigent and infirm – and embedding conditions and co-morbidities that will require expensive treatment protocols that are multiples of the 50 bucks or so cost for a couple of C19 injections.
A slight detour to describe the attitude of the US health regulators - the CDC and FDA (it could be extended to the entire alphabet soup of health agencies).
Prior to the emergency injection roll-out from December 2020, the CDC (11,000 employees) and the FDA (also around 11,000 employees) ANTICIPATED large numbers of adverse events that would be reported to VAERS and so hired (battlefield casualty experts) General Dynamics IT for the an INITIAL short term contract of 30 million bucks – a contract STARTED in August 2020, 4 months BEFORE the injection roll-out in December 2020.
Presumably, the emergency was not large enough to take a few thousand of the 22,000 CDC/FDA workers to cope with it – just spend an extra 30 million tax dollars to get someone else to handle the emergency.
From here:
In early 2021, Pfizer itself hired 2,400 extra staff to process the adverse events following the initial roll-put of its injections (no news that Moderna did the same).
Another side track. There may be other “collateral damage” from the C19 injections. There are no studies that I can find on the INTERACTIONS between existing “usual” treatment protocols (for heart conditions, cancer, ADD, Alzheimer’s or diabetic treatments, for example) and the C19 mRNA injections. This interaction impact will probably show up in mortality data and hospital admissions in coming years.
The latest update for deaths and injuries reported to the European adverse events reporting system maintained by the EMA, EUDRA, to 25 February 2023 (3 months ago) is here:
Multiply those VAERS and EUDRA numbers above by around 6-8 to imagine the global impact – based on proportionate share that the US+EU has of global doses. Then multiply that by around 30-40 to adjust for the URF where those responsible for inflicting death and harm do not report to the vaccine harm reporting systems.
As far as deaths and injuries caused by mRNA injections are concerned , here is the basis for estimating an Under Reporting Factor (URF) of around 40 (range 30-100) in the past here:
(100) The Giant Injection in the Room - Estimates of the Dead (
With a link to an older “refresher” on URF’s here:
(100) Refresher on the Under Reporting Factor (URF) – The Giant Syringe in the Room (
I posited (link below) that, because the RT-PCR test resulted in 90-95% false positives, US C19 deaths of 373,000 in 2020, 480,000 in 2021 and 267,000 in 2022 were false and should be ascribed to the actual cause of death.
In addition, these causes need to be further investigated and attributed to factors such as neglect, “death by healer” (Remdesivir, respirators, psychological torture, denial of sustenance, failure to treat the poor (fear, loathing and disgust by medics), failure to provide existing treatments, failure to provide anti-biotics, antivirals and so on.
US government mandated health care treatment protocols and non-pharmaceutical interventions could have killed around 1 million Americans – the elderly, the weak and the poor. And yet there is silence from all quarters.
It also means that ACTUAL causes of deaths have been deflated by the number of incorrectly attributed C19 deaths.
In the table below C19 deaths need to be allocated to leading causes AND reconciled with WHO CAUSED THE DEATHS so that those committing crimes that led to cause of death can be tried in a court of law.
Note that between 50% and 90% of 2021 and 2022 deaths reported with C19 present were among the “vaccinated”- the “vaccines” could have been the cause of death for these people.
Note: no-one has been “vaccinated”, since the C19 mRNA injections were NOT VACCINES – sterilizing or otherwise. The injections did not prevent infection, transmission, hospitalizations or deaths from any variant of the SARS-COV2 virus or C19 disease.
(2022 data was provisional at the time and needs updating – but updates will not be large).
This data has been compiled by “a guy with a laptop”. Others with higher quality, faster and deeper resources can recreate this data t a higher standard. I doubt the outcomes will be markedly different.
If there is any “equity” in the “justice” system, compensation is due to those that were injured by iatrogenic causes or those whose tax-payer funded job it was to help but who turned their backs on those needing help – it is also due to the families of those that were killed.
In addition, because of the huge damage caused by C19 injections that will last decades, there needs to be a “re-tooling” of the hospital system to specifically cater for those damaged by the vax – from diagnostics to in- and out-patient treatment by devices and medics.
For those interested, here are the latest numbers pn doses – sporadically updated if at all, now the injection mandates have been lifted.
Here is a brief description of the number of EU, US and global C19 mRNA and viral vector injections shipped and administered.
There has been no update to the EU database for injections, 1.458 billion shipped with 976 million administered leaving 482 million either destroyed or sitting, unwanted, in freezers.
The CDC in the US has also not updated the numbers of C19 doses shipped and administered. No doubt, there is no rule for this to happen once the WHO or POTUS declares the end of the Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC – pronounced FAKE) or US Health Emergency.
Since injections were authorized for emergency use,
· the US shipped 984 million doses and the EU 1,456 million
· the US administered 677 million doses and the EU 976 million.
· The US has 308 million unused doses and the EU 482 million.
Seven hundred and ninety million doses in the EU and US combined have either been or will be destroyed in existing specially designed smokeless incinerators.
No change to 13.39 billion global doses on the OurWorldinData website either. 70% of the world’s 8 billion people have received at least one dose. This works out an average of 2.4 doses each for the 5.6 billion people (out of 8 billion on the planet) that have received at least one dose.
Also of interest is the growing outrage at the billions of injection doses that are now toxic waste.
Fellow SubStacker, eugyppius covered the discontent in Germany over unwanted doses indicating chronic over-ordering of these toxic injections - targeted at long extinct variants of SARS-COV2.
Out of interest, from here, you can get some idea of the “fortunate failure” of CoVAX rto poison the developing countries of the world:
COVID-19 vaccine doses donated to COVAX (
“COVID-19 Vaccines Global Access, abbreviated as COVAX, is a worldwide initiative aimed at equitable access to COVID-19 vaccines directed by the GAVI vaccine alliance, the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI), and the World Health Organization (WHO), alongside key delivery partner UNICEF.”
Also for interest’s sake, here are the latest US numbers on deaths and infections in the US.
From here, US C19 fresh “Cases” dropped to 41,891 last week from the surge in the prior week to 200,000. Deaths with C19 present dropped to 597 from 1,063 for the prior week.
US C19 “cases” have averaged around 195,000 a week over the course of 2023 and deaths with C19 present have averaged 2,045 a week.
US “Active” cases dropped by around 30,000 over the week from around 774,500 to 744,750.Poland – population of 38 million - and Viet Nam – population of 98 million - have the most “Active” cases at around 1 million each.
The WHO has stopped updating its weekly CoVID-19 report now that it has declared the end to the PHEIC. Here is a link to its last weekly update on 4 May 2023:
Weekly epidemiological update on COVID-19 - 4 May 2023 (
There has been no update to dominant variants circulating in the US, which, according to the CDC are here:
CDC COVID Data Tracker: Variant Proportions
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And how many more will die or become permanently disabled before this is over? So my business partner was preparing to shoot photographs of a house yesterday (we have a photographic business) and she spotted a young man nearby (maybe 24 she said) hanging out of his open car door with his legs in the air. She along with another woman removed him from the car and started doing CPR on him. He was already turning purple I guess. The ambulance arrived and they were able to bring with back to life. I told her and the folks of my SubStack that we all soon see people die in front of eyes. I am 72 and I have never seen anything like this in my life. The new normal for our world, I guess? 24 year olds dying on street of heart issues? It is my humble opinion that millions of Americans will die from these injections. I don't see how anyone can survive this poison? We are 2 years out from the first injections in the United States. I believe the dying is about to REALLY begin. I hope I am wrong.
and no interest it seems from any government anywhere, nor MSM and very few politicians. I am about to see/hear Andrew Bridgen. If you follow Paul Frew on twitter, he is one of our )N.I) elected politicians and he posts weekly excess deaths with comments re lack of imterest