Apr 1, 2023·edited Apr 1, 2023Liked by Peter Halligan

Thank you Peter. Extraordinary in its way. Aren't people adaptable...

I am reminded of 'The Restaurant At The End Of The Universe'


and Mark Steyn's monologue in 2016, 'The Party At The End Of The World'.


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I need to re-watch HGttU and the answer is "42" to get some "me time" back!

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Reincarnation of Charles The Hammer perhaps? (Battle of Tours AD732 ~ https://www.raymondibrahim.com/2013/10/10/today-in-history-the-battle-of-tours/)?

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Relax John ;-) Here used in a more relaxed secular notion of 'a [proverbial] fresh embodiment'. The doctrine was ditched at the Council of Constantinople AD451 and it appears by 553 AD that the Roman Church officially declared reincarnation heresy. I think that is interesting and requires a full examination. After all, given the current secular meanderings and crimes of the Roman church, one hesitates to consider that consistency of expression of divine purpose is a necessarily reliable characteristic. Take the current Pontiff, a rainbow or two, and let's throw the German Bishops into the mix.


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I'm with you (even after 12 yrs of Jesuit education!).

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