Post-mortem on the C19 pandemic – 6 million avoidable C19 deaths plus 36 million vaxx deaths (mostly in India from Oxford/AstraZeneca shots) = plus the odd 1.8 trillion bucks for useless masks, tests
This analysis excludes fiscal spending running to trillions that governments around the world wasted on throwing out prior pandemic planning and decades of scientific and medical evidence.
Use the following as a “ball park” with which to substitute your own higher or lower numbers. All corrections/suggestions/comments welcome!
Let’s start with the big picture. What does the “official” course of the C19 pandemic look like using the RT-PCR test to pretend that it is a diagnostic tool.
Using data from here:
Coronavirus Graphs: Worldwide Cases and Deaths - Worldometer (
We have this chart for global C19 deaths:
Gives us some idea, but let’s break it down into three calendar years. 2020 = no injections, 2021 = roll-out of injections and 2022 = completed initial two dose course.
In round numbers – cumulative global deaths with C19 present using the “not fit for purpose” RT-PCR test were 2 million in calendar year 2020, 5.5 million in 2021 (+3.5 million) and 6.7 million in 2022 (+1.2 million from 2021 to 2022).
What kind of moron would claim that any measures taken to address C19 have been “effective”. Certainly not 95% effective, unless you believe that without the measures, deaths with C19 present would have doubled to more than 13 million by now.
Now, factor in that 95% of deaths also had 2-6 co-morbidities also present and the average age at time of C19 death was 1-2 years longer than average life expectancy. Then factor in that the RT-PCR test was not intended to determine infectiousness, only the presence of a guess of what the SARS-COV2 looked like.
Also bear in mind that IVM (and HCQ) treatment protocols were proven as a safe and effective prophylactic and early to mid-stage cure by May 2020. It has no side effects unless extreme dosages are used (like those used in studies sponsored by the BMGF).
Maybe as many as 85% of all deaths globally from C19 were preventable from May 2020 onwards.
The decision NOT to use IVM/HCQ treatment protocols from May 2020 onwards cost around 6 million lives, globally.
Death by healer – iatrogenic death – from Remdesivir/Midazolam+morphine, ventilators, psychological and physical torture of the elderly and infirm in medical settings, failure to treat existing and emerging health conditions (non-C19), failure to prescribe anti-biotics (WHO advice) and so on are included in C19 deaths, rather than as murders.
Then there is the fact that the clinical trials and the roll-out of injections forced the emergence of variants - clinical trials started in 31 July 2020 and were slated to run to 31 January 2021.These variants killed all those people from August/September 2020 onwards as the original viral strain disappeared to be dominated by other deadly variants.
Skip to the 2 minute mark of this: Rise of the VARIANTS - YouTube for evidence of the creation of variants.
A note on Ivermectin (IVM) IVM costs 200 bucks a kilo. A kilo is enough for 50,000 doses for an average weight per person of 100 kg. Five doses is more than sufficient to treat and prevent C19. For the 8 billion people on the planet = 800,000 kilos for everyone to get 5 doses each of IVM at 200 bucks per kilo.
That works out at 160 million bucks. Keep that 160 million cost to prevent and cure C19 at the forefront of your mind.
Direct costs of masks, test kits and C19 injections (which did not prevent spread, hospitalizations or deaths)
Let’s assume that a cloth mask costs a dollar and that 2 a week – 100 a year - were used by the same number of the world’s population that have received at least one injection and round that number to 5 billion for ease.
3 years times 100 a year times 5 billion = 1.5 trillion masks at a dollar a pop. How’s that 160 million look now?
Tests – that detected presence but not infectiousness
From the Worldometer link above, there have been almost exactly 7 billion tests – using the debunked RT-PCR and/or RATs
US RT-PCR test kits cost around 130 bucks a pop, but that includes all the corruption in the health and insurance industries, stolen (borrowed with no intention of paying back) by politicians in inept and useless C19 Acts.
So let’s say that a test costs 20 bucks - rather than 130 bucks - and, again for ease, ignore all the staff costs of medics inflicting the tests and all the processing, administration, disposal and analysis.
Seven billion times 20 bucks = 140 billion bucks.
Injections - that did not prevent anything
Thirteen billion doses administered globally. I will use a cost of 15 bucks per dose to reflect China and Russia’s pricing of their own injections. China administered around 2 billion doses of a traditional vaccine, Russia copied the Oxford/AstraZeneca injection.
Wiki states that Brazil got most of its injection for around 11 bucks (and that Brazil declared an end to their public health emergency in May 2022).
COVID-19 vaccination in Brazil - Wikipedia
13 billion times 15 bucks = 195 billion – call it 200 billion bucks for ease.
So, the cost of masks = 1.5 trillion + cost of tests = 140 billion bucks + cost of injections = 200 billion.
Serious money to achieve nothing in particular. 1.84 trillion bucks.
1,840,000 million bucks that achieved nothing in particular = compared to 160 million bucks for global IVM that did.
That is an example of the cost and effectiveness of what is to come with the amendments to IHR 2005 and the new Pandemic Treaty.
Now, lets move on to harms from the injections.
Harms from C19 injections
The horrific genocide from the Oxford/AstraZeneca injections remains censored, it is monstrous and has happened in India where the Oxford/AstraZeneca viral vector injection has been licensed to the Serum Institute.
To ball-park the death toll from injections, let’s check out the roll-out on a global basis:
From here: Coronavirus (COVID-19) Vaccinations - Our World in Data
Which can be broken down to calendar years like this:
There have been around 180 million since the end of 2022.
Let’s work out the harms as best we can, given that we don’t have a breakdown by manufacturer at the global level or a reliable global adverse event system.
For an available and useful proxy basket, we have the number of doses for the US, EU and the BRIC’s excluding China. The population of this proxy basket is around 21% of global population but has administered around 4.5 billion doses (around 45%) of the 10 billion doses administered outside China (China has administered 3.5 billion doses)
Here’s a big picture of the doses administered by vaxx manufacturer for these areas as close as I can get it.
There are some data issues with Brazil – OurWorldInData reports the total number of doses, but has no numbers for manufacturers of doses for Brazil (or for Russia, India or China). This will lower the number of fatalities calculated in the tables below. I have used Wikipedia for the manufacturers data for Brazil, but, as you can see, there is a discrepancy of 102 million doses.
I have made some simplifying assumptions. I have assumed that all India’s and Russia’s injections are basically the same as the Oxford/AstraZeneca shot. Russia worked closely with AstraZeneca throughout and the Serum Institute of India has supplied 80% of all India’s doses. Moderna and Pfizer were disbarred from rolling out injections because they wanted immunity from prosecution for harms - funny that.
Okay, now to the calculations for deaths from the injections.
Rather than using deaths reported to VAERS, I have used data from here to calculate deaths per million doses per manufacturer for the EU.
The rationale for URF estimates and adverse event rates for EUDRA are here:
Here is the latest EUDRA adverse event data by manufacturer. It has not deviated much from the release three months prior.
Applying those assumptions and data extracted from EUDRA, we get this:
Around 400,000 dead from these 5 geographies, unadjusted for any under-reporting.
Keep in mind that (minor) differences arise from the different dates, omissions and sources I have used to throw this template together. For example, the table above has not been adjusted for manufacturers outside the top 4 for the EU(there were a few Chinese and Russian doses administered) – there was an update for EUDRA data from 48,000 deaths to 50,600 in the Vaccine Impact embedded link.
I need a dual screen set-up with large screens, rather than a lap top to handle all the data and adjust it!
Right. Now comes the tricky bit. Adjusting for under-reporting. I have applied an under-reporting factor (URF) of 40. A fellow SubStacker (h/t momo) has indicated that the URF for Germany (and hence the EU) is likely closer to 70.
Alongside that, we must consider that “spontaneous” deaths are more likely to be reported and balance that against the personal liability that doctors have for vaccine injuries and deaths.
So, here’s the leap based on a URF of 40 and scaled up to the global level of doses.
36 million vaxx deaths, with India’s use of the Oxford/AstraZeneca injection responsible for 3/4 of global injection deaths - 27 million dead over two years. (12.3 m / 16.3 m x 36 m).
How on earth did the Indian Health Authorities miss that? Or do they have numbers proving this false. I contacted the Indian Health Authorities 2 months ago to get annual mortality numbers for each year from 2015 to 2022, but have been ignored. Not even an acknowledgement. I guess I am not one of the privileged few! Maybe they have no clue or maybe there is a Serum Institute “thing” going on that pays the political parties and health authorities as big pharma does in the US.
This omits any numbers of dead from the 3.5 billion Chinese traditional vaccines. Hopefully it is around the one in a million that would qualify as “safe” – 3,500 dead – though my guess is that it is closer to 1 per 100,000 and flu deaths remain a leading cause of death in China – just a hunch.
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See Scottish COVID inquiry. People seriously need to stop promoting millions of COVID deaths as somehow meaning from a novel virus.
With just one sentence you have proved what we have been saying forever as well as others now and a bunch in the beginning.. This was not a mistake it was pre planned planned, problem created, solution ready, death and money followed their favorite twofer investment.. This sentence you posted below really says it all
All those medical boards, associations , pharmacists etc.? Not one of these groups said the other was wrong, no other group corrected the other group, which never happens in real science..
So the FDA, CDC, ABIM, NIH, HHS, State and county and City health departments and all government agencies, schools, corporations, hospitals, doctors, all our congress and senate people, federal and state and county, school boards and Teacher leadership, all in lockstep.. All planned and coordinated.. When have you ever seen that???? Nobody questioned what was obviously a LIE... No mistake.. It was pre planned, planned and executed on all of us.. They will never ever apology, because they meant what they did and plan to do it again only better the next time..