Peter in other words vote your shares.?..are these things even ON the proxy?/ I mean I've never even seen dei on my shares..just election of officers etc..share buybacks. How the he'll do we get this info? They don't mail the proxy out anymore. Can you do a guide for 7s that now have to get everything on line I. Thousands of dull pages?

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Annual General Meetings are usually formalities. Extraordinary General Meetings can have more fireworks.

Maybe you can shortcut a loot of paperwork by checking SEC filings:

Frm here: https://www.investopedia.com/terms/a/agm.asp "Public companies must file annual proxy statements, known as Form DEF 14A, with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The filing will specify the date, time, and location of the annual meeting, as well as executive compensation and any material matters of the company concerning shareholder voting and nominated directors."

Maybe you ca file a prposal?


I any event, most comms are electronic these days and the "investor relations" tab to company websites ca usually be followed to find out what's going on - here's is a link to IBM's fr example - contents on Page 4.


I expect that somwhere there will be a chat page or contact number where you can ask "are there any shareholder proposals and if s what are they?" for AGM's.

The real can of worms is an answer to the question of your platform provider of fund manager "I see that my 2040 target date fund holds a US equity fund that in turn owns PFE, I calculate my number of pro-rate shares at 23 - I would like to attend the AGM/EGM and vote these shares and make a proposal to the company at the meeting.."

I think the manager would a) require a change f pats and b) stonewall and say that it is not possible - which would mean that you are NOT a shareholder.

By the way, I am pretty sure that the Chairperson of the company is the prxy for all vtes ot case at the AGM/eGM.

Your shares entitle you to attend general meetings.

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