18 hrs agoLiked by Peter Halligan

Is bad ol' CO2 warming the Earth? Not even close!


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I would lov to hav a beer with Senator Knnedy - one of my favourite Senators.

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The problem is simple. Whatever the amount of CO2 absorbed by trees, it matches the amount emitted when the tree decomposes (or is burned). ALL biomass on the planet is roughly carbon neutral, through its full life cycle including decomposition (or including being digested by animals which eventually also decompose). The ONLY exception is when the tree is buried in anaerobic swamps (which are very rare today, but were everywhere in the carboniferous period) because that prevents decomposition back into CO2.

So, to amend your headline... Trees are carbon neutral, and mankind adds 35 billion tonnes of CO2 from fossil fuels.

Don't get me wrong. I agree, the "climate crisis" is fabricated by those who want to control the world's population. But please argue against it with sound arguments.

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"there are 3 trillion trees on the planet – each tree absorbs 25 kg of CO2 a year= 75 billion tonnes a year – mankind emits 35 billion tonnes of CO2 - so what’s the problem?"

The PROBLEM is that they are cutting down so many trees to put in "green energy" such as solar cells and wind turbines.

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Not to be much of a wet blanket but there are natural emissions of CO2 such as volcanoes, forest fires, wetlands, oceans and many others. In total from what I can gather they toss out about 50 billion tons per year so there is a net of about10 extra billion tons going into the atmosphere each year....AND SO WHAT?

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24 hrs ago·edited 24 hrs ago

In a sane World there would be 7.5 Billion likes by now ...

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Oct 6Liked by Peter Halligan

There's no problem. Carbon dioxide is plant food and not a pollutant. Levels of it follow heat not vice versa. I worked with photosynthesis meter for a couple of decades. Never saw ambient C02 higher than 420ppm. Normally 370 or so. Seemed to only go up when measuring close to highway and cars were heavy. Any alarms are scams.

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There's no way to steal from the trees.

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Oct 6·edited Oct 6Liked by Peter Halligan

Math is racist. And sexist. And homophobic. And transphobic. And, and, and...it makes my brain hurt. I trust my feelings more than math invented by white colonial oppressors. And I feel like manmade carbon is destroying the planet. I win. Shut up you math-centric climate denier. Or I'll shut you up.

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Oct 6Liked by Peter Halligan

"so what’s the problem?"

The problem is Bill Gates and the other totalitarian control freaks who want a global government. Remember: Centralized power ALWAYS gets corrupt over time. Centralized global power (global government) would be the absolute WORST form of government.

Also remember what covid showed us:

Whenever governments around the world are pushing a narrative that will

1) give them more control over the people, and/or

2) give them an excuse to raise taxes, and/or

3) give them an excuse to STEAL LAND from the people,

they are LYING!!!

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Committee decisions by consensus are always bad - the bigger the committee the worst the solutions.

Politicians are supposed to be our elected leaders - who make decisions on our behalf. - that we would make ourselves We accept that and vote them out when they stop representing our interests. These supranationals and billionaires need to be subject to societal discipline/prosecution/imprisonment when they interfere in our lives and cause death and suffering.

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Oct 6Liked by Peter Halligan

And that's just the trees – the oceans absorb most of the CO2 for marine plants to be able to live!

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Humanity is the CO2 problem thy really want to solve!

Each of 8 billion people emit a kg of CO2 a day - 3 billion metric tonnes a year

The arithmetic of the Cult is targeting that!

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