According to CDC VAERS, the number of deaths from COVID injections is more than 11 9/11's. I put such a graphic on my old blog.

The URF is debatable. A conservative estimate from Pantazatos and Seligmann is URF ~ 8. My own analysis compared VAERS to V-Safe, and concluded that URF ~ 17. So... 88 9/11's - or 187 9/11's?

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The URF is crucial.

https://peterhalligan.substack.com/p/refresher-on-the-under-reporting (URF) – The Giant Syringe in the Room

One would hope that the URF for mortality is much lower. But the URF increases over time as the association with the injection recedes.

It is just as significant to look at the URF for conditions/diseases that are serious but not severe. Not dormant - but increasing in seriousness over time.

I try to use the same nomenclature used in phase 3 clinical trials

severe = life altering v serious = life threatening.

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Do you remember them covering the daily total of innocent civilian deaths in Yemen, Libya, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria?

Me neither.

But both Covid and the wars were Department of Defence operations.

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It seemed apparent that the elderly and infirm were the target population in order to

relieve government burdens.

However, now the victims are all ages.

That raises some questions as to their ultimate goal, since they are killing and maiming working age

people who pay taxes and support the structure of society including our military forces, while the horrific debilitating and sterilizing illnesses put extra burden on society.

Add in the gaslighting, the isolation, the wars, the economic fiascos, the racism and sexism being fomented and one has to wonder what kind of evil is descending? There are no words to describe it.

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It's almost as if we are in the midst of WW3 - a silent but deadly global biological war.

One that civilians are unaware of.

Started in East Ukraine in 2014m spread to Moscow, then China - retaliatory actions for offensive measures.

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Thank you for saying that Ukraine started in 2014 during the US coup.

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This guy doesn't agree......and yes, he's an MD..... read the comments after you finish the substack..... unbelievable...... https://yonifreedhoffmd.substack.com/p/saturday-stories-3-years-later?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=1186605&post_id=108966319&isFreemail=true&utm_medium=email

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As James Thurber might say "His life and welcome to it"

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Thanks PH. Horrific in the extreme.

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Well, I LIKE this idea...can you quickly put together a picture with all the Jumbo Jets that

have crashed like on a timeline?

Most people are visual...I think it would be epic! Brilliant comparison.

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I don't have those skills yet. Just tried for an image in "image creator"

can't post it in comments!

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Me neither, but there are some seriously good tech people on substack...maybe they can help? I want to post it on my facebook page...because most of the normies have no clue.....and this would be a big wake up calll....

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I inserted an image..not a movie thought.

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If I am allowed to presume you are a man, you are a dear one!

Thank you!

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Haha! I've identified as male for as long as I can(not) re-memberI?

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