Sep 2Edited

How can Canadians stand the fascist globalist shill? Anyone supporting the grooming of children is guilty of child abuse. The mutilation of children is an atrocity.

Gender identity as defined by biology needs to be clearly delineated from sexual preference which is defined by psychology. The epidemic of mental illness in the gender confused is evidence of psychological abuse.

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Does anyone think the biblical account of Sodom and Gomorrah is just a fictional story?

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Sooner or later Canadians will take back their country from this Castro relative…oh maybe DNA testing is required but will never be allowed by this disturbing so-called elected “ leader”….a Marxist hiding amongst a nation known for their nationality.

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I can't sign because I live in the USA, but I certainly hope people in Alberta will overwhelm the Trudeau government with petitions!

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Oh that bastard, now we've had it, definitely throwing rocks for sure!

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But no honking horns!

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