Some spit-balling of the economic costs of the agreed amendments to the International Health Regulations – with a year for all those political parties to come to their senses (fat chance)
Those of you that hate spit-balling economic numbers should look away now – the numbers are a mirage anyway!
A tired, frustrated and resigned looking James Roguski put out this 46-minute interview/monologue:
(100) AMENDMENTS ADOPTED!!! - Conclusion to the WHO's 77th WHA w/James Roguski (
Nice pictures of all the protestors outside the WHO offices in Geneva where the World Health Assembly voted to pass amendments that re-wrote practically every word of the International Health Regulations – thus avoiding the need to call them “new” and a two thirds majority.
These protests have to be just the start. The amendments passed – not the Pandemic Treaty – but there are now new International Health Regulations that make the previous ones look like an open prison for humanity and these a Stalag.
I am still “gob-smacked” that the Health Minister from the Philippines thinks it’s a great idea to “donate” his health care workers to other countries if there ever should be a real global pandemic. Screw his own country’s health needs!
Anyway, James, as always, does the hard yards to get into the weeds of what is actually going on – well worth a watch.
What is missing from the amendments are budgets to be accessed in the event of a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC pronounced FAKE).
I am going to ballpark some numbers.
It is clear that the poorer nations of the world just voted themselves a huge pay rise – funded by taxpayers in the “first world”. Big pharma will get the lion’s share of course, the WHO will receive a massive pay-out for being the “project co-ordinator” of all the corruption. The “third world” will swap death and injuries for short term monetary gains for their politicians.
The world will see a deterioration in health.
Ok, I will leave aside the UK and focus on the 800 million people or so in the EU and US.
Let’s start with EU GDP over the scamdemic.
From here:
European Union GDP 1960-2024 | MacroTrends
And for 2023 from here:
Spring 2023 Economic Forecast: an improved o
utlook amid persistent challenges - European Commission (
“EU GDP growth is revised up to 1.0% in 2023 (from 0.8%) and 1.7% in 2024 (from 1.6%),”
As with all economies the massive increases in government spending “juiced” GDP, making GDP numbers a joke. Increase the government deficit = increase GDP. Much like spending ten thousand bucks during a “Black Friday Sale” when you have ten bucks to your name.
Not only did the EU spend like drunken sailors to fix the coasts of the scamdemic, but also performed the wishes of the woke climate change and past immigration policies. Here are its “key facts” for 2023 and 2024 – with no pandemic and some impact from Ukraine (which is now going to cost taxes and debt to replenish weapons blown up by the Russians).
In the nineties it used to be that 2-3% growth and 2-3% inflation was the norm – with ten-year Government bond yields approximating the sum of these two components – 4-6^. The EU has 10% inflation for 3-4% growth for two years.
Here’s a look at EU Government debt:
From here:
EU National Government Debt, 2000 – 2024 | CEIC Data
“European Union National Government Debt reached 15,334.8 USD bn in Dec 2023,”
And here to get a sese of why I refer to the EU as the Union of European Socialist Republics’ (UESR similar to the USSR of old).
Government finance - Statistics Explained (
“The importance of the general government sector in the economy may be measured in terms of total general government revenue and expenditure as a percentage of GDP. In 2023, government expenditure in the euro area was equivalent to 50.0 % of GDP and government revenue to 46.4 % of GDP. “
Taxes take half of all GDP every year – and still there are deficits and inflation. This is the objective of the Marxist/Greens/Cult members. Debase the currency, crash the economy and “wham” no CO2, I am still aghast that “renewable energy” isn’t free – REDUCING household electricity bills. Moronic governments have siphoned off taxpayer dollars and borrowed huge amounts to install forests of windmills on and off-shire ad planted massive plantations of solar panels – the fixed costs are paid for – just the running costs remain. These should be negligible. It is absurd.
And that before the environmental disaster of mining the components of the ugly, bloody things.
I remember a time in California where huge forestry companies were denied logging rights because of a single endangered owl – now, ignore the turbine blade dicing of golden eagles and bees, ignore the deaths of whales, dolphins and other sea mammals that rely on sonar – it must drive them insane. Ignore the open cast mining – out of sight.
Utter hypocrisy – AND the lithium batteries have a disturbing tendency to simply explode – EV’s are batteries on wheels that last four years and cannot be insured because if you damage the battery when it goes over a bump, the entire EV (ad the higher wear and tear on the roads from the heavier weight) is worthless!
Anyway, back to the point.
What was EU Government debt at the end of 2019 – pre-pandemic?
82252e2f-7336-a45b-9735-5dc29176aa06 (
10 trillion euros = 11.225 US dollars.:
So, EU Government debt went up by 4 trillion bucks in four years.
Here’s the US numbers:
Pre-pandemic POTUS budget numbers and post-pandemic chemically sustained Biden cadaver numbers.
versus the Biden cadaver budget released earlier this year.
Note the US Debt clock is about to cross 35 trillion bucks – so, maybe the difference is the debt not held by the public in social security trust funds.
Debt held by the public (presumably excluding social security trust funds, but not debt held by the Fed?) for 2025 has shot up from 21 trillion bucks to 30 trillion bucks!
An extra 9 trillion bucks of debt.
Summing the EU plus US debt increase, you get 13 trillion EXTRA debt – all pissed up against the wall for no benefit.
Big pharms probably made a few hundred billion out of selling around 10 billion C19 doses (13,7 billion reported on OWD less China’s 3.7 billion). The government waste on climate, C19 and immigration that could have been spent on the poor and needy in the West – just 75% of that 13 trillion could have been spent on raising living standards and improving infrastructure,
The other 25% of the 13 trillion would have solved world hunger for a few years AND provided clean water to the most drought and poverty-stricken areas of the world.
Let’s complete the circle.
The third world is seeking a vaccine-based transfer of wealth from the first world to the third world. It conveniently ignores the fact that millions of people from the third world are already impoverishing the first world as they soak up the welfare state and diminishing jobs of the first world. So do all the dumbass first world politicians.
It is usual for first world countries to dole out fractions of a per cent of GDP for “causes”. - Multiples of a quarter of a per cent of GDP.
The amendments to the IHR are likely to “attract” 0.5% to 0.75% of GDP.
For the US and EU combined, with GDP of around 43 trillion this means that the cost of the amendments is going to be between 400 – 600 billion dollars.
Big Pharma will get a cut of ten percent, the third world will get 10%, the WHO will get 10% and 70% will disappear against the nearest wall.
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Screw all these international and global assemblies and their propaganda and lies. Follow the money for what their real interest is…greed and power.
If it wasn’t for the unvaccinated
As a healthy control group.
(That is, If everyone was vaccinated)
They would ALREADY
Be quarantining the “vaccinated” .