
If it wasn’t for the unvaccinated

As a healthy control group.

(That is, If everyone was vaccinated)

They would ALREADY

Be quarantining the “vaccinated” .


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Migration and Immigration How did they get here?

By groups.

When a Muslim says, “I am your friend.” To an infidel, they are lying to you. Which, is fine as they are required to kill, convert or collect a fee from Infidel men. Lying, cheating, stealing or killing an infidel is correct with Islam, Sharia, Koran. Women are chattel. But, you cannot be a friend to an infidel.

Or they break their faith to the Koran or Islam. They cannot be a friend to an infidel and be a proper muslim. It is required of a muslim to be proper and keep the word of their prophet as written in the Koran. All of it !! You cannot pick and choose. Should a phrase from the Koran be in conflict with itself; always take the latest phrase. All the peaceful phrases are at the beginning all of the Jihad phrases are later,

The McCarran Walters act 1952 and 1965. https://duckduckgo.com/?q=mccarran%20walters&iax=images&ia=images&iai=https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-dqh87FqxQUo/Vlmv35zclNI/AAAAAAAAKTU/-gdDbH_DcWA/s400/tony%2Bmeme%2Bimmmigration%2Bact%2B1952.jpg&atb=v382-1

An immigration Act. McCarran was from Nevada my born on State. I was a Freshman at Reno High School 1952. It declares that those with a cultural / political / religious pre disposition to overthrow our Constitutional republican form of government may not be on the land and soil of The United States of America. Islam has sharia which requires them to have a different jurisdiction and to convert any other jurisdiction to sharia and Islam preferably by Jihad.. Time for them to go. Take a look at Minnesota and Michigan. One cannot lawfully be in our de jure government or de facto governance or even be on the land and soil of any state or territory and be a muslim and we have two in the House of Representatives .

A muslim cannot take an oath to an infidel organization or constitutions that is an Islamic requirement.

Barry Sotorro (sp) #44 flew plane loads of muslims into our states every night for years. That is a bunch of Somalis and others. Barry happened for 8 years and they all acquiesced to it and we let it happen to us.

Better read the 1st Amendment again. What you think you know for true is what SCOTUS has said. That is for a less than 10 mile square, forts, ports and needful buildings. Not applicable on the several states. Islam is a culture of laws and rituals to cover every aspect of life. That includes the pre meditation of overthrow and destruction of any other form of life style, government, religion, culture or people. You see it clear. Then think no that cannot be. There are good muslims.

All cops know who the bad cops are. However, if they stand up or speak up, they get no back up. So, they all close ranks with the thin blue line, around the bad cops... There are no good cops only those that wished they were good. Misprision of felony. That is what you see when you see the blue stripe on a facsimile of our National Ensign.

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Screw all these international and global assemblies and their propaganda and lies. Follow the money for what their real interest is…greed and power.

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Agreed. find your local Statewide jural assembly soonest. www.orsja.org

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