They would need U.S. Law enforcement to go along with it. Not sure that's going to happen.

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Nothing else?

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Nazism is being forced on the population through legislation that looks innocuous to most. A nazi state is being created by stealth.

The move from basing govt policy on equity instead of equality was hugely damaging to the thought processes and morals of public servants. For it’s them who are indoctrinated first with the threat of losing their job if they don’t comply.

The equity scam was to normalise our public servants into seeing different groups of people as having different value and status as others who have different genetic traits. To force them to think it’s normal to think that way. And of course those public servants need to rationalise their actions to their children and family and indoctrinate them into thinking that way too in order to avoid a moral dilemma. All of a sudden the rest of us find ourselves in a brave new world.

We are being prepared to think a certain way. To have a certain set of morals and values and if you don’t comply you become one of equities victims.

A climate of Nazism is being forced on us through changes in govt policy and health policy by stealth.

By stealth because it’s designed to get people to think a certain way without them realising until it’s too late. If they ever do realise they’ve been gaslighted. Because it’s led and carried out by the public service they would have to leave their well paying job if they refused. Kind of makes it look how easy it was for hitler to get most of the population to go along with his diktat

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One gun one BIG NO. In Monterey county a law officer was shot delivering an eviction notice. In the USA despite the somnolence, the stupidity, the surrender of responsibility I believe the sullen serfs up to the paid jackals have figured out a connection, just what it is ain't exactly clear, not spelled out but tacitly agreed upon, between vaccination and great bodily harm. A population boycotting Target and Bud Light is capable of cutting to the chase. Youth are enraged more than ever. I expect as was in the High Holy Days of Yore a push back. The kids will shoplift and carjack snd go wilding for freedom, which is just another name for nothing left to lose. In 1971, members of the Weather Underground had placed a bomb in a bathroom in the U.S. Capitol and issued a statement in which they said, “armed underground attacks, propaganda, demonstrations in cities and campuses, actions by local collectives, all forms of organizing and political warfare can wreck the Amerikan war machine.” (Like other radical groups, the Weather folk adopted the German spelling to reflect the notion that the U.S. was a fascist country.) Prairie Fire demanded more coordination than the bombing of the Capitol, which prompted Sen. George McGovern to predict that violent explosions would continue as long as the United States was at war in Vietnam. He was right about that.

Like the Wobblies, whom they revered, the Weather folk were rough-and-tumble globalists who boasted in Prairie Fire that they wanted to organize the oppressed and create a new world in the shell of the old, though they didn’t care for the kind of white working-class men who once formed the backbone of the IWW. Like the members of SNCC, they didn’t care for membership lists, and like the SNCC activists, they caught fire wherever racism reared its head, though unlike SNCC they never ventured into Mississippi and Alabama. That was a bridge too far.

Weather aimed to fuse the theory and practice of revolution, but the organization bought into the myths it created about itself and were swept up in romanticism not often seen in left-wing quarters since Fidel Castro and Ché Guevara unseated the Batista dictatorship in 1959. In some circles today, criticism of the Weather folk is tantamount to a betrayal of the legacy of the American left. Say a negative word and Dan Berger, the author of Outlaws of America (2006), defends the Weathermen and the women who advocated, in his view, the “politics of solidarity” and whose actions can help us understand “the mess we now find ourselves in.”

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Jun 1, 2023Liked by Peter Halligan

We have been sold to the highest bidders....Rothschild, Rockefellers, Soros, billy the goat gates, Bezos...need to stop buying Amazon, and the rest of the scum of the earth and so many of our so called politicians....scum of the earth.....we need REVENGE....NUREMBERG 2.0 and then some!!! And by the way fuck you Sophia AI!

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Jun 1, 2023Liked by Peter Halligan

Feel so helpless though. I sign and sign. I don’t have money to give. Biden should not be even considered a head of state.

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