Sep 25, 2023Liked by Peter Halligan

Aha Peter! found an important June 2023 discussion between finance people here: "Ed Dowd Excess Deaths, State Control & Why RFK Jr. Can Win The Democratic Presidential Race" - - https://londonreal.tv/ed-dowd-excess-deaths-state-control-why-rfk-jr-can-win-the-democratic-presidential-race/#popup1 - - (will need to login to watch, 1-1/2 hrs long), had forgotten how deep these guys delve, relating failure of current economic systems to excess deaths...to a war against the populace, as entire system based on a 1. peace, 2. debt then 3. war to cover over debt economy, which is rapidly failing. See what you think!

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Thanks for the link, says "video unavailable" - but the article can be read. Seems like we will be getting more than our fair share of political commentary over the next 14 months!

I covered some of the economics and those shaping it here:


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The Ultimate Goal Of A Leftist Lunatic

Is To Become Their Own Victim.

- Of Course That They Start There

- - Doesn't Spoil The Journey.


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The simplest and best disproof of the Climate scam is here.


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Ivor has been on this topic for months now, interviewing experts and reporting their findings. Here's a quick rundown of how to determine a scam in action, from Nick Hudson of Panda or PanData in S Africa.

WHY Centralization is a DISASTER and threatens us all - Nick Hudson explains! - - https://www.bitchute.com/video/tqV2fo4aQIs/

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Great video! I identified the Climate scam in 1985, studied it for 17 years and started publishing in 2002. Papers included below.

I called the Covid scam in Feb2020 and published on 21Mar2020, in part because of the obvious false-alarm science but also because of the intimidation tactics used by the Covid and Climate alarmists - wolves stampeding the sheep for political and financial gain.

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Hi Peter,

For insomniacs:

Here are about 18 papers that I and others have published on the Climate and Green Energy scams since 2002.

Best, Allan MacRae


Selected Political and Scientific Papers - Nov2002 to Present



MAR 28, 2023

The Climate and Covid scams were Crimes Against Humanity – wars against scientific reason and technical competence that exceed the 80 million souls killed on all sides in World War 2.

My co-authors and I wrote the following correct observations about the Global Warming (aka “Climate” aka “CAGW”) and Green Energy scams in 2002:

1. “Climate science does not support the theory of catastrophic human-made global warming – the alleged warming crisis does not exist.”

2. “The ultimate agenda of pro-Kyoto advocates is to eliminate fossil fuels, but this would result in a catastrophic shortfall in global energy supply – the wasteful, inefficient energy solutions proposed by Kyoto advocates simply cannot replace fossil fuels.”

– by Sallie Baliunas (Astrophysicist, Harvard-Smithsonian), Tim Patterson (Paleoclimatologist, Carleton U), Allan MacRae (Professional Engineer, retired, Queen’s U, U of Alberta)

Nothing has changed in the intervening 20+ years since we published our article, except the huge costs of this global-scale fraud:

• tens of trillions of dollars of scarce global resources have been squandered on “wasteful, inefficient” green energy scams;

• hundreds of millions of lives have been wasted, especially in the “developing world”, by denying them access to fossil fuel energy;

• most of our leaders, who are scientifically uneducated, have adopted the “Global Warming” and “Net Zero” falsehoods;

• the same Climate fraudsters are now attacking our food supplies, again to allegedly fight fictitious Global Warming.

There never was any scientific or technical support for the Global Warming and Green Energy scams - it's always been a false propaganda campaign concocted by extremists to harm our economies and promote their totalitarian agenda.

Here is my TV interview of 12Apr2023 on the Climate scam:


Here is my TV interview of 14Apr2023 with Dr Roger Hodkinson on the Covid and Climate scams:


Here is my TV interview of 15May2023 (runs from 22:00 to 54:00) on the Covid and Climate scams:



Selected Political and Scientific Papers - Nov2002 to Present

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Sep 25, 2023·edited Sep 25, 2023

Race to the bottom indeed! Most, nearly all climate "remediation" actions are false, based on a narrative developed by the Rockefeller Institute around 1958 to enslave the populace and better control where people live, aka "herding sheeple" (need to seek out clear references in Ivor's earlier interview with Dr Nordangard. in Sweden).

"The Greatest History Never Told" - Full Feature Explains All _ Great Ivor Cummins - - https://www.bitchute.com/video/8XkvPMJL77yA/ - its 2 hrs long.

Its corporations, not people, causing egregious environmental damage, yet remediation relies on equipment made in China? It appears China is attempting to recover their bottom line, their GDP is massively sagging right now. There's no friggin reason to block out the sun, a massive climate controller. CO2 is critical to all life on earth, including that of humans. The warmer the ocean temps, the more CO2 is released. Basic earth sciences, apparently no politician every was taught or paid attention to or even remembers the subject in 8th grade science class.

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The guy is right about co2 but totally off on his dating of the earth, which makes him look weak.

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One of the things written into the Obamacare system that many people missed, was authorization for covert vaccination of patients, wherein the "consent" is obscured inside of lengthy "waiver" papers that never use the word "vaccine" but terms like "biological treatments." The program also included plans for all Americans to be required to prove they were vaccinated (with whatever the government might demand in the future) in order to participate in society.

They have been determined to barcode us for a very long time. Their complete communist tyranny doesn't work as well without all of us barcoded.

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"The process is the punishment" and lasts a lifetime.

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All of it is straight from HELL. They want hell on earth.

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If you check out other posts, I state that reversing all "Net Zero" policies will be a start.

For example, from here:


"It is easy to spot the truth when these Cult members chirp, bleat and wine. Whatever they say, the opposite is true. In this case, abolishing ALL subsidies for “renewable” energy and high taxes plus onerous regulations on hydrocarbon energy, would create millions of jobs and reduce inflation by a lot – energy inflation is responsible for around three quarters of inflation over the last e years, with C19 measures largely responsible, directly and indirectly for the rest."

Woke socialism is embedded in western society. It needs to be removed root and branch - as does all adherence to all but the founding principles of the UN and WHO - even those are now warped.

Solutions need to be developed by the many smart people still around - starting from a zero base, working out what can be afforded from welfare to health to education to security etc AND DEBT INTEREST AND REPAYMETS - from decades of that woke socialism.

bottom up revolution.

problem is - there are more people sucking on the "government" (taxpayer) teat than there are tax payers. the willingness and wish of those doing the sucking needs to be incentivized somehow.

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