The planet has been cooling since the last climate optimum, 8,500 years ago. These experts are experts at taking your money, nothing more.

They say we will burn up and the planet won't cool for 40,000 years. The truth is we need all the CO2 we can get, levels crashing is more likely to exterminate the human race during the next glaciation, than anything else. Ice Age historian living in their bunkers will record the CO2 fallacy as mankind's biggest failure, bigger than wars, slavery, racism, communism, or anything else.

We have 50 to 1500 years to save the problem, that may seem like a lot of time, but billions will die from the cold and all that goes with it. I hate to put it that way, but that's the way it is.

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8 hrs agoLiked by Peter Halligan


Hi Peter.

It seems that the old dictum about lies is in play regarding GW/CC.

They repeat it often enough that the majority seem to believe it as true.

Net Zero has all the hallmarks of a cult.

Even worse, it is the most extreme apocalyptic cult in history. If they get their way, billions of humans will perish. And the vast majority of humans will be forced down into chronic energy scarcity, a terrible place to be.

As with the C19 juggernaut, truth seems to just bounce off the climate alarmists. Again, cult-like behaviour. And again, Lockstep as though stage-managed from a single point.

Perhaps a mass awakening will see the insanity stopped. See their Agenda abandoned in disgrace. See that single point razed forever and The Monster vanquished.

But it isn't going to stop itself.


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8 hrs agoLiked by Peter Halligan

I’ve always said computers can’t think. We’ve all already known this except the youth they are scaring to death.

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