I am very suspicious as to the full reason that seeming hundreds (if not more) commercial food products now contain Rapeseed Oil (Canola) which was formerly used as a light machine oil in WW2 and before better performing synthetic oils were developed. When that market ended it seems to have been fed to people instead, obviously for the profit, but I fear also because it is very unhealthy to consume it.

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Aug 10·edited Aug 11Liked by Peter Halligan

Hi Peter,

About six months ago, I wrote four different food companies in Canada inquiring as to whether they could guarantee that none of their meat or fowl was injected with mRNA vaccines. That included McDonald’s, Walmart, and two others.

As I recall, I got acknowledgements from most of them, but then full radio silence.

This was not comforting because I have read several places that the vaccine producers are pushing mRNA vaccines for farm animals.

If we had any competent governments, they would ban these toxic and ineffective vaccines across-the-board, that is for humans and animals.

I wrote every Alberta MLA, including the Premier and all the cabinet ministers on January 8, 2021 and strongly advised them to not deploy these vaccines, based on the high-risk/low-reward Equation.

High-risk because it takes 10 years, not 10 months to produce a safe vaccine.

Low-reward because as I published on March 21, 2020 the Covid illness was only fatal to the very elderly and infirm.

For this reason, I stated that the lockdowns were entirely unjustified for the general population who were at low risk. Six months later, world experts published their identical Great Barrington Declaration.

Alberta physicians practiced competent early treatment in 2020 and we had no excess deaths well-past July 1, 2020, the end of the first COVID-19 flu season. That observation, independently verified by Denis Rancourt and team in other countries, led us both to independently conclude that there was no real pandemic. To have a real pandemic, you have to have a significant increase in the death rate and that did not happen in 2020 in a number of venues that practiced competent early treatment .

In the United States, there were ~560,000 excess deaths In 2020, caused by incompetent late treatment, Remdesivir to destroy liver and kidneys, and ventilators to finish them off. Hospitals received ~$30,000 for each such medical murder.

Almost the entire death toll attributed by the authorities to the COVID-19 virus was actually caused by false public hysteria by governments and health authorities, late incompetent treatment, and especially the toxic COVID-19 vaccines.

That death toll now totals about 20 million in the western world and it is far from over. Including countries where we have little or no data such as India, China and Russia, that death toll probably doubles.

I dictated this note so please excuse any typos.

Best regards, Allan MacRae

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Hi Allan,

Do they have to pass enquiries like yours to Canada's FDA?


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I do not know Peter. Our governments have become very lax about inquiries like this. They just ignore them, as they have ignored every one of my correct criticisms of their catastrophci mismanagement of the COVID-19 lockdowns and vaccines..

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One or more best reasons to be praying & asking the Lord to bless your meals before consuming. There are far too many unknown factors in food + handling to think we can monitor everything.

Farmers in America in some places are being told they don't have water rights to wells on their own land! Authorities are reportedly telling small farmers they must do studies (thousands of dollars in cost) to show exactly how much water they're using on crops, etc. or they won't be allowed to sell any of what they grow. Oregon of course is pushing this....it's definitely greed & covetous to desire to bleed others dry of funds, & have control over the farms & gardens of others. Evil running amok.

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One aspect of "The Great Poisoning" that has been totally missed is the vast amount of heavy metals, particularly mercury, in the population. Mercury is the perfect metabolic poison and causes over 250 different symptoms. Constellations of these symptoms get names such as MS, or ALS or chronic fatigue, or psychosis, or anxiety, or depression. It causes all of these things and more: food sensitivities, food allergies, asthma, autism and on and on. The medical and scientific literature has documented this for a century and a half. Pretty much all the advertisements we are barraged with by the pharma manufacturers are for something mercury causes.

It is astounding that this is not better understood. People blame this and that, particularly aluminum. But only mercury can explain the vast array of disfunction we are seeing everywhere. And once enough of it builds up, it becomes difficult for the body to detox any of these other toxins that people are more aware of.

My mentor, Andy Cutler, said in bemusement, that this is not the first time in history that there has been a mass poisoning that got missed.

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