Some thoughts.
From here 13 billion doses of C19, viral vector and other “vaccines” have been administered globally to 5.5 billion people.
In a previous post, I showed that reports of deaths and adverse events to EUDRA (he European equivalent of VAERS) from viral vector injections were 4-5 times higher than those from the toxic Pfizer BioNTech.
So deaths and adverse events where viral vector injections are widely used (e.g Astra Zeneca injections in the UK and Australia) are likely to be higher than those from countries where mRNA injections dominate.
Ball-park estimates of global deaths and adverse events that do not reflect the higher lethality of viral vector injections compared to mRNA injections, but do adjust for an under-reporting factor cantering around 40 – using multiple methods to derive the under-reporting factor - are here.
We already know the injection harms, what we await is their extent. It is importnat to know/prove the correlation of excess mortality with the level of injections - but it is already too late to save lives and prevent the damage done. “I told you so” achieves nothing. Similarly, proving “long Covid” is highly correlated with injections, or not, is informative but does not help those injured. We need solutions. Have IVM or HCQ or other treatment protocols worked? What has been tried? Where is the data?
We also must remain wary of a resurgence of C19. There is some evidence (not much, but some) that C19 “cases” are on the increase, in some places. Are these the result of weakened immune systems resulting from injections in the previously uninfected, or not?
Lots of questions, but no solutions to those suffering or about to die.
From the perspective of 5.5 billion people injected with 13 billion doses, efforts to halt “vaccine” roll-outs across the world have failed.
The enemy (ignorance, greed, egomania, sociopathy, narcissism and hubris) has won.
Instead, we are left with trying to get the horse (vaxx deaths and damage running rampant) back into the stable (the cure).
If we do not achieve this, or rather, our politicians and health authorities are not compelled to do this, there is a hideous possibility that tens of millions of people might die every year and hundreds of millions will develop serious morbidities whilst billions will suffer life limiting severe events – including brain function impairment (aka brain fog).
Suffice to say that people will return to remaining close to home, in stressed relationships, in much the same way that peasants in the middle ages rarely travelled even to the next village, just a few miles away. That might be a green eco-warriors wet dream, but for those who have a spirit of adventure and relish new experiences and discoveries, that will be the same as an open prison on top of an island surrounded by 300 feet cliffs.
So what to do.
The existential problem for multitudes of injected people is to determine how to “de-spike” the body of the injected spike proteins infesting the blood, breaking cell walls and penetrating vital organs.
Long Covid needs to be better analysed as well. Is it psychological, an adverse event from injections or actually a condition that persists.
I am not a medical professional, though as a “prudent person” I struggle with the concept of injecting known toxins into the blood stream, rather than trying to “sterilize” the virus in the mucosal system. Similarly, I struggle with the concept of instructing the body to produce toxic spike proteins (or injecting them directly) as a cure for those toxic spike proteins. Here, I draw the parallel with anti-venom for a particular snake bite. To develop anti-venom, a host animal (sheep or cow for example) is injected with the particular snake venom until it develops a high level of immunity and THEN the anti-venom “stuff” that the host animal produces is used as anti-venom. The snake venom is NOT injected into the human body directly. That would be insane.
The difference between an injected spike protein and the virus spike protein is discussed by Dr Mobeen Syed here.
Treatment protocols by the FLCCC are available for free here.
I am wondering whether we have come complete circle and that everyone, injected or not, needs to be treated prophylactically with IVM protocols or HCQ protocols to prevent infection from shedding or new/existing variants. Maybe there are some HCQ clues here for those suffering adverse events from C19 injections, or maybe not..
On a side note, I am curious as to the role of the thymus In protecting the young from infection. I put in a comment to Geert vanden Bossche’s article here asking:
“Do the t-cells produced by the thymus produce t-cells with sterilizing immunity which is "superior" to cytolytic memory T cells induced by C19 mRNA injections? Or are both ineffective (and maybe injections "dampen" the actions of "better" T-cells produced by the thymus?)”
No response. He probably does not read his comments!
I “have a dream” that the natural decline in the thymus can be reversed with “gain of function” or CRISPr technology (and even 3d printing!) to provide a cure – on the basis that babies have proportionately large thymus’ and are not prone to infection, whilst the elderly have diminished thymus’ and are prone to infection.
But that’s me, without a medical background! I also think that emptying lungs, breathing in through the nose to fill the lungs, holding the breath for 3-5 seconds, fully exhaling, and repeating 4-5 times will clear your lungs and passages for hours! – after a 5-15 minute pause. (Be prepared for clearing passages!). I had to sit down the first time I tried it! Hyperventilation or some such. Haha.
Anyway – it seems to me to be a choice between prophylaxis and cure for all (like “Monday, Monday in western Africa) using HCQ and/or IVM protocols for next to nothing.
Or triple the number of specialist hospitals for treating millions upon millions of people for all the adverse events we already know about.
These adverse events are self-evident and not subject to political manipulation or administrative oversight. They are happening and will happen in increasing numbers.
Songs and music videos about the dangers of vaccines and medical tyranny.
Shakespeare meets Vaccine Injury Denial. Listen to Turfseer's PERCHANCE TO DREAM:
Vax passports on the way out? Don’t be so sure. Listen to Turfseer’s PASSPORT TO HELL.
Edgar Allan Poe meets the specter of Jonas Salk and his polio vaccine in Turfseer’s lockdown dirge “NEVERMORE.” Check it out on Soundcloud.
A blues song about a man afflicted with a deadly heart inflammation. Listen to THE MYOCARDITIS BLUES:
It’s a SNAKE OIL PARADISE as millions delude themselves that vaccines are safe. Listen to Turfseer’s hit on Soundcloud:
Turfseer’s entire "Scamdemic Collection" of songs can be found here on Soundcloud:
THE COMMANDANT. Welcome to internment camps for the unvaccinated.
JUST TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE. "Straight-shooter" advice on vaccination.
VACCINE, MY LOVE!. A satire on vaccine mania.
Watch all Turfseer's music videos at
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I'm pretty sure not all counties received the same poison. Singapore as an example. 99% is vacinated, they have NO adverse issues. My cousin lives here and he's with us. He's not, he faked it.