As I have been saying recently... we need a global Manhattan project to create/find mitigation protocols to help the poisoned among us. This needs to be started NOW before it is too late for millions of vaccinated folks. The clock is ticking on the arrival of a tsunami of death. Every day we delay will doom thousands if not millions to early untimely deaths.
Yes. Adverse events from C19 injections are a clear and present danger. They represent a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC pronounced "REAL" not "FAKE"
Medical systems worldwide need to be re-engineered to focus on vaxx damage.
Yes, you are correct. A global heath emergency that will require the marshaling of the best minds and the resources of many countries to deal with what could be a mass extinction event. God help us.
Edgar Allan Poe meets the specter of Jonas Salk and his polio vaccine in Turfseer’s lockdown dirge “NEVERMORE.” Check it out on Soundcloud.
A blues song about a man afflicted with a deadly heart inflammation. Listen to THE MYOCARDITIS BLUES:
I'm pretty sure not all counties received the same poison. Singapore as an example. 99% is vacinated, they have NO adverse issues. My cousin lives here and he's with us. He's not, he faked it.
Cumulative "cases" are up from around a quarter million for the 6 million population to 2.2 million. Deaths with C19 present up from around 100 to 1,700 over the same time. Very low compared to the West, but that must have been a shock.
two thirds of the elderly over 60 (bottom bar chart) have "up to date protection" (boosters) and there does not seem to be any increase in shots (around 5 million in the top left chart) for 8 months.
Oh sorry. There are indeed ways to get a legit card, he got one. And when his brother got it he flew to jersey and licked their cups etc. He went all out so he'd have antibodies and a legit test because not only did Singapore want his card. They wanted to see antibodies. He had both. He wasn't getting it but he didn't want to lost his job. He won.
I'm pretty sure this is attack largely against any country half pro democracy like the USA, Europe, Brazil, etc. I'll send this to him and see if he gives me feedback
The singapore thing is consistent with what I was saying that it flatlined for the longest time (number of cases, number of hospitalizations and number of deaths) then you can see from these charts that as soon as jab came out they all spiked. The % growth is huge but the number of problems is still very small comparatively
As I have been saying recently... we need a global Manhattan project to create/find mitigation protocols to help the poisoned among us. This needs to be started NOW before it is too late for millions of vaccinated folks. The clock is ticking on the arrival of a tsunami of death. Every day we delay will doom thousands if not millions to early untimely deaths.
Yes. Adverse events from C19 injections are a clear and present danger. They represent a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC pronounced "REAL" not "FAKE"
Medical systems worldwide need to be re-engineered to focus on vaxx damage.
Yes, you are correct. A global heath emergency that will require the marshaling of the best minds and the resources of many countries to deal with what could be a mass extinction event. God help us.
Just a thought.
The jabs are definitely increasing the speed & lethality variants change of the lurgy.
Along now with definite infection of the unjabbed by the jabbed.
Maybe that was all part of the plan?
A. To increase the infection of the unjabbed?
B. To force the virus variants to become more lethal?
Yes! I appreciate the beyond far fetched eye roll moment(s).
But hold on. A Global Pandemic was beyond far fetched just a couple of years ago.
Songs and music videos about the dangers of vaccines and medical tyranny.
Shakespeare meets Vaccine Injury Denial. Listen to Turfseer's PERCHANCE TO DREAM:
Vax passports on the way out? Don’t be so sure. Listen to Turfseer’s PASSPORT TO HELL.
Edgar Allan Poe meets the specter of Jonas Salk and his polio vaccine in Turfseer’s lockdown dirge “NEVERMORE.” Check it out on Soundcloud.
A blues song about a man afflicted with a deadly heart inflammation. Listen to THE MYOCARDITIS BLUES:
It’s a SNAKE OIL PARADISE as millions delude themselves that vaccines are safe. Listen to Turfseer’s hit on Soundcloud:
Turfseer’s entire "Scamdemic Collection" of songs can be found here on Soundcloud:
THE COMMANDANT. Welcome to internment camps for the unvaccinated.
JUST TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE. "Straight-shooter" advice on vaccination.
VACCINE, MY LOVE!. A satire on vaccine mania.
Watch all Turfseer's music videos at
Subscribe to Turfseer’s Newsletter. Songs, Music videos and more.
I'm pretty sure not all counties received the same poison. Singapore as an example. 99% is vacinated, they have NO adverse issues. My cousin lives here and he's with us. He's not, he faked it.
Cumulative "cases" are up from around a quarter million for the 6 million population to 2.2 million. Deaths with C19 present up from around 100 to 1,700 over the same time. Very low compared to the West, but that must have been a shock.
I can't find data on OurWorldinData on the numbers of injections by manufacturer, but this indicates the main ones available
from here:
two thirds of the elderly over 60 (bottom bar chart) have "up to date protection" (boosters) and there does not seem to be any increase in shots (around 5 million in the top left chart) for 8 months.
"He faked it" = faked being injected?
found this article from last week
Oh sorry. There are indeed ways to get a legit card, he got one. And when his brother got it he flew to jersey and licked their cups etc. He went all out so he'd have antibodies and a legit test because not only did Singapore want his card. They wanted to see antibodies. He had both. He wasn't getting it but he didn't want to lost his job. He won.
I'm pretty sure this is attack largely against any country half pro democracy like the USA, Europe, Brazil, etc. I'll send this to him and see if he gives me feedback
cool.. i edited this article into my reply
I showed my cousin he said this. Which is true.
The singapore thing is consistent with what I was saying that it flatlined for the longest time (number of cases, number of hospitalizations and number of deaths) then you can see from these charts that as soon as jab came out they all spiked. The % growth is huge but the number of problems is still very small comparatively
Yep saw it.