I agree with your stark assessment that Operation Warp Speed caused immense harm, with the vaccines leading to widespread adverse effects and deaths rather than delivering the promised salvation. I explored the report in my gonzo analysis of the SSCP Final Report—check it out here: https://open.substack.com/pub/countmetalmind/p/after-action-madness-a-dive-into?r=4pl8kw&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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My read, too. They throw a few bones to the truth and reconciliation crowd. That the grifters and frauds in the health freedom movement will grab onto and declare victory with.

But the rest of us see the report for what it is, a giant whitewash and fealty to Big Pharma. "It was a great vaccine, just not as great as was claimed, but still great!"

"Masks are still a great idea, just not so great they should be mandated...at the beach, or in a park...but mandating them in hospitals, nursing homes, jails and courtrooms is still great if you want to!"

Big Pharma owns Congress. Or maybe it's the other way around. Even the names on top of the report that claim to be health freedom politicians. Who are only good at grandstanding the theater of health freedom for the cameras.

They intend this to be the final, authoritative word. We know better. It must never be allowed to become the narrative that future generations come to know the era as. We must continue our fight to set the real narrative in the public mind. This report is a setback for us. But we shall overcome. Truth always wins in the end. As long as truthtellers don't stop telling the truth.

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140 Billion mask worn, not 1 did any good !!!

PCR test is a fraud!!

People need to be held accountable for their stupidity and ignorance willingly leading the sheep to slaughter.

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