Pure insanity, or even evil to the core. It isnt about the climate, it is a dystopian ideology which wants to destroy our western society, our way of life and our freedom.

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Now big brains are standing up, coming of the woodwork? Astrophysicist, Piers Corbyn, dispels the fairy tale that CO2 is the control knob for the temperature of the planet.

"The problem with the current climate change narrative is that it's false. It claims that carbon dioxide controls world temperatures, whereas actual data shows that it's world temperatures which control the carbon dioxide concentration. - - - - "https://x.com/wideawake_media/status/1732679715918401644?s=20

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"They" are hitting the Control Issue, on many fronts. Peter, you may want to listen to this recent interview, We know Barry Young has been released from prison, skip over the intro, the Karen Kingston segment seems important to understand the Ken Paxton lawsuit: NEW ZEALANDER HELD IN CUSTODY AS TEXAS ATTORNEY GENERAL SUES PFIZER! - - https://www.bitchute.com/video/dj6knWhSzHga/ - - see what you think! We may all need to move to TEXAS?

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Dumbest move Germany could make !

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How? How are people that stupid? 😵‍💫

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Dec 6, 2023Liked by Peter Halligan

Destroying this legendary old-growth forest to make way for hideous wind turbines has got to be the craziest reductio on “green” yet. Everywhere “green” takes hold, we find dying animals, scarred landscapes, and impoverished people. Meanwhile, real pollution in the form of nano-plastics and hormones in the water supply threaten to end terrestrial life. Are there any real environmentalists left? Hello, tree-huggers? This is your moment; where the bell are you?

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MAKING A desert out of the earth...makeitlike Mars where maybe their ancestral line came from after they did that there

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The "woke" age is so ironic in name...

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