No evidence covid 19's all distraction.
A computer generated simulation and a CGI blob with spikes is what they have nothing else so stop with the fake virus narrative it's getting embarrassing now.
Jabs are cocktail of toxic metals and PEG which cause inflammation (symptoms)
I love Dr Popper! Just a quick impromptu rant: I take issue with ‘millions’ died of covid. I don’t believe that for a second. The only legitimate data is # dead. You are dead or not dead. All other data can be manipulated. For example, attributing most hospital deaths as covid; moving the goalposts on ‘fully vaccinated’ such that dying within 2 weeks of vaxx is considered a covid non-vaxx death; counting someone who isnt boosted as non-vaxx even when they drop death after the booster; or false PCR tests to promote fear; to people isolated and not attending to emotional or physical health; to creating a lost generation of kids who are emotionally injured and developmentally delayed.
millions of deaths? Sure - due to a false pandemic narrative and the relentless pressure of this insanity forced on humanity, trying to force people to believe the unbelievable. We knew the emperor had no clothes but They insisted he did/does.
Isn't this what Dr. David Martin has been claiming, seems to really go at UNC claiming they've been working on covid for decades? He has damning emails, research and evidence this was a planned event
Virus my arse 😂
No evidence covid 19's all distraction.
A computer generated simulation and a CGI blob with spikes is what they have nothing else so stop with the fake virus narrative it's getting embarrassing now.
Jabs are cocktail of toxic metals and PEG which cause inflammation (symptoms)
That's all there is to it.
No one died of a bat virus ffs 😂
DOD military operation run by Zionist regime.
End of.
Hurray! Best news ever!!!
Hi Peter, Here's another good article, see what you think!
I love Dr Popper! Just a quick impromptu rant: I take issue with ‘millions’ died of covid. I don’t believe that for a second. The only legitimate data is # dead. You are dead or not dead. All other data can be manipulated. For example, attributing most hospital deaths as covid; moving the goalposts on ‘fully vaccinated’ such that dying within 2 weeks of vaxx is considered a covid non-vaxx death; counting someone who isnt boosted as non-vaxx even when they drop death after the booster; or false PCR tests to promote fear; to people isolated and not attending to emotional or physical health; to creating a lost generation of kids who are emotionally injured and developmentally delayed.
millions of deaths? Sure - due to a false pandemic narrative and the relentless pressure of this insanity forced on humanity, trying to force people to believe the unbelievable. We knew the emperor had no clothes but They insisted he did/does.
Millions died due to the quackzine!
This is the correct focus, to start because this poisonous release was not covered by PREP.
A few died of this mild flu, millions with the protocol and clotshots. This is diversion.
Wrong focus. No virus was isolated. Focus should be on health freedom and damage due to hospital protocol and clotshots, but the yearly flu.
including here, I meant to add.
Cases all around the world.
Better investigate UNC Chapel Hill.
I read the article and immediately thought the same thing. It is worthy of seizing the endowment funds and shutting them down.
Isn't this what Dr. David Martin has been claiming, seems to really go at UNC claiming they've been working on covid for decades? He has damning emails, research and evidence this was a planned event
UNC Chapel Hill also developed the kill drug Remdesivir.
It they didn't kill you with the covid bioweapon they developed, they will kill you with the "cure."
Here is the link: