The UK 'first past the post' electoral system just demonstrated its failure to provide representative democracy and ensure repetitive 'wins' by the globalist uniparty: ie. Labour garnered 33.9% vote share, Conservatives 23.7%, Reform 14.3%, Lib/Dem 12.2%, Green 6.8%, SNP 2.4%.

First-past-the-post only works when the Party whips are removed and every MP is held to personal account by their constituency. Thus, has sadly become the bizarre caricature of democracy that we now see. As an aside, it appears that The Reform party are also solidly pro-jab, aligning them with the WEF/WHO Globo-DIE-Cult.

Is the UK skewered? "Yep" ... unless its populace recover their senses.

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It is mindset. They have a Monarch. The naughty boys such s Mick buy a Knighthood. Like the Aussies they voted to give their guns to their Monarch's government. Fold in the KIWI and Canadians. They are one revolution behind us. Pay attention when they catch up.

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Iggy Semz has an interesting, if not utterly distressing, stack on this topic: https://veryslowthinking.substack.com/p/game-over-for-uk

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As you say, depressing, but accurate.

there is a solution - somewhere - it will need t be radical.

cut the number of MP's in half, abolish the House of Lords, cut HS spending in half and improve quality and throughput, abolish VAT and all customs duties, abandon all subsidies, eliminate "woke" education, shut down all overseas military bases, re-test all drigs/injectzbles, shut down borders to illegals, evict illegals back to countries of origin and so on and so frth - i short, reverse all the policies of the last 30 years.

The 3 trillion pounds of debt needs to be reduced to 5 trillion, taxes need to be reduced to 10% - tops - to d this, fiscal surpluses of 2-4% of GDP per annum for 3-4 decades - that is the size of the rot that needs to be cut. Interest alone costs more than 100 billion a year, more than all vote spending bar the ludicrously inefficient and harmful NHS..

As Ignasz points out - the quality to do the right thing does not exist - and is roted i abysmal candidate selection in all parties,

The maddening thing is, that there are millions of Brits of more than sufficient quality to pull off the changes required - but have no pathway to harness their talents.

Starmer will lead a government that will increase the

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It's good to know that there are solutions. Somehow, we must build that pathway.

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