Aug 10·edited Aug 10Liked by Peter Halligan

"The result is that renewable energy from wind and solar costs at least 5 times the price of electricity sourced from hydrocarbon and nuclear sources."

Tell me an energy source that is not renewable. Oil, coal, and gas are being renewed continuously through photosynthesis and geological processes.

The consumption rate by humans may exceed the renewal rate by nature, but this is another issue.

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I said this while overlooking the ultimate source of all of our energy, the sun. When it dies, we're done (nuclear energy notwithstanding).

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Sad to watch deliberate destruction of the western world.

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"Public private partnership" sounds nice doesn't it, until you see we are the "Net Zero" they dream of attaining. I'd luv to see what thugs in charge do when they've wrecked everything & most everyone. Have they built robots for doing all the toilet cleaning & washing up? Are the robots maintenance free? There might be a small glitch in the plan. Robots don't respond to fear tactics, & they can't be brow-beaten into doing more for less. What exactly powers any underground bunker after WW3 has destroyed this world above ground?

Our Creator has thought of everything!

This world is not my home. It's a great day to get right with God. I'm so thankful to know the One truly holding eternity in His hands. He inspires goodness, honesty, integrity, kindness, truth, & all the things so many of us look for in others, but it's a choice that begins with each one of us. Repentance is key, time is short. Who in their right mind wants to end up as a forever hell-mate with Fauci, Gates, Klaus, or any of the thugs in charge now? We all make choices everyday, choose life.

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Wow. UK is a mess and based on your article, will become even worse, far worse. One thing. They better not send any of their hospital patients by air ambulance to Canada for care. Our wait time is even LONGER than NH’s! Social Medicine run by Government is destined to eat taxpayer dollars and deliver poor service. Private mixed with Social is the only way to go.

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