The US elections on November 5th represent a chance for America to reverse the death spiral planned by the Democratic Party and its "woke" collaborators
There are many ways in which the Democratic Party seeks to turn the USA into a third world shithole. The US Constitution and Bill of Rights is a major roadblock that the Democratic Party circumvents with lawfare and regulations of Federal agencies. Fingers crossed the “SCOTUS Chevron decision” reverses the “regulation” instead of “legislation” method in (ab)use by Federal agencies.
The three main ways are the import of beggars from the rest of the world in their tens of millions, the deep corruption of “net zero” policies and, last but not least, the “memory holing” of over two million America deaths over the scamdemic.
There are many others – the use of public funds to prosecute political opponents, the disarming of law-abiding Americans, the installation of political, positive affirmation, hires into positions of influence and the intention to punish low margin food producers with margins of sub=5%, whilst promoting big tech and big pharma sponsors who make margins of between 25% and 60%.
Let’s start with two metrics – the rates of death and inflation,
Inflation was boosted by over 30% over the scamdemic. Supply chains were disrupted, so there was reason - in 2020 - behind that. But those supply chains normalized by mid-2022 – a year before the “official” end of the scamdemic. Prices have not returned to levels prevailing prior to the scamdemic – the Democratic Party thinks that slowing in the rate of inflation from almost 10% per annum - locking in high prices - to 3% per annum is an indication of the success of the Inflation Reduction Act. It isn’t.
The same applies to the mortality rate. The mortality rate should have returned to the levels prevailing BEFORE the scamdemic. It hasn’t – it has plateaued at a much higher rate.
From here:
United States Deaths 2023, How Many Deaths in United States 2023 | Dead or Kicking
The mortality rate has not returned to the 8.7 deaths per 1,000 Americans over 2019 but has remained at above 10 per thousand over the entire period of the scamdemic and the experimental C19 injections.
There are/were around 335 million Americans – an increase from 8.7 deaths per thousand to 10,0 deaths per thousand (+15%) - for 4.75 years works out at an extra 1.3/1000 times 335 million times 4.75 years = 2.068,625 more dead Americans than expdected -, compared to 2019 mortality rates.
Compared to the 2019 mortality rate, the deaths per thousand were far greater in 2020, 2021 and 2022, - compared to 2023 and 2024, when they declined slightly. I guestimate extra deaths exceeding 2.25 million.
TWO MILLION DEAD AMRICANS AS A RESULY OF THE SCAMDEEMIC - as planned by trh “blob”, “swamp” and the “strategic plotters” in the Democratic Party..
Regular readers will recall that at least 700,000 of those extra deaths can be directly attributed to the experimental injections – I suspect far more – closer to the million mark. Certainly the 1.2 million allegedly US deaths with “C19 present” has been severely challenged. The tests were bogus, and the cause of death switched from “respiratory” to “circulatory” after the experimental injections were rolled out in 2021. Probably just 5% of C19 deaths were actually solely attributable to C19 – the rest were due to the 2-6 con-morbidities present at time of death – exacerbated by the medical malpractice of “ne size fits all” treatment protocols on respirators, Remdesivir, physical and mental torture and the denial of antibiotics, especially amongst the poor, elderly and infirm.
Note the massive switch in the methodology of mortality statistics in the US from “every death is C19” for 2020/21 to “no deaths from the vaxx for 2021-2024. Applying the same “logic” to vaxx deaths as was applied to C19 deaths would reveal a truth that those perpetrating the geocide cannot afford.
The coverage of this in both social media and the MSM is zero. 2 million dead and not a dickie bird from the “fourth estate” whose job it is to expose and report on such a catastrophe. Not even the “health” regulators or politicians have given any coverage of the 2 million EXTRA dead.
So, that’s inflation NOT being negative in order to return prices back to pre-scamdemic levels and a mortality rate NOT returning to pre-scamdemic levels.
Next, let’s address the “net zero” corruption.
A while ago, I posted this example of how Australian farmers are paid a pittance to rent out their land for wind turbines, whilst the company receives massive taxpayer funding for each wind turbine. Once the wind turbines break down – after 11 years or so – the farmer is left with the clan-up bill.:
The same principle applies globally. Here’s the US experience for solar panels.
(100) Solar Subsidies Amount to $56,000 per Acre (
The “modus operandi” (MO) is the same. At the federal/state level, massive “grants” are paid to “operators” to build wind or solar, on mostly prime agricultural land – which is rented from farmers at a fraction of the “grant” approved by “government” bodies – the land can be sequestered with no recourse – the farmers remain liable for any obsolescence/damage – and the resulting electric power generation is charged to households at ten times the rate of competing “fossil” (gas is not a fossil!) fuels – with lots of virtue signalling about “carbon foot print “ production – except carbon is not an emission, it is the gas, carbon dioxide which is plant food. When methane – natural gas – “burns” its emission are carbon dioxide (CO2) and water vapour – NOT CARBON. The essentials (plus sunshine) for plant growth.
Humanity is not a “net polluter” of CO2 – check this out:
And that is before the CO2 absorption by seas and oceans is taken into account.
Here’s some more debunking:
The antics of the “net zero” lobby are those of children, playing with toys they do not understand and cannot operate – like being placed inside a fully armed combat tank and pushing a lot of buttons, not seeing or caring about the damage being caused.
This is the “business model” of “renewables”. Renewables cannot exist without massive state aid - and they produce power that is ten times the price to households of electricity produced by natural gas powered, steam turbine, electricity generators.
Which brings us to the import of tens of millions of beggars who are given “free shit” that is denied to the poorest Americans. We have seen how FEMA supplies have been denied during Hurricane Helene because they have been consumed by the migrant beggars. We have seen how these same beggars receiver accommodation, food, health, clothing denied to America’s poorest – put up in 5 star hotels, for God’s sake!
The Democratic Party opened the borders for these migrant beggars/ Beggars who left their countries to “bludge” off America. All by design and malicious intent to make Americans pay.
Some of those exploiting the advertisements by the Democratic Party for entry into the US have been flown from the turd world direct to American cities (more than 400,000) flown in the dead of night). Millions upon millions more have been allowed in by federal border “authorities” n direct instructions of the Biden/Harrs administration and taken to cities of their choice.
These beggars invading the US are not the best from the countries of the turd world, they are the worst. The unemployable, the criminals, those on the run from issues in their home countries – the vast majority are not “refugees” they are grafters and beggars – coming from countries which the US and the rest of the world have given billions upon billions of dollars over many decades.
Sure, there will be some with a valid claim for help to settle in the US –maybe even a few hundred thousand - but the vast majority do not have such a case. According to international law they are the responsibility of the first “safe” country into which they crossed, not the US. Perversely, the first “safe” country of those flown out directly to the US, secretly by Biden/Harris – those 425,000 – was the US. All part of the Democratic Party plan.
Each migrant takes food, healthcare and energy directly from the mouths of the elderly, the sick and the infirm in the USA – the poorest Americans and those in most need.
Obama has tried to shame “bros” into voting for a stupid woman because she is (sort of) black. My advice to “bros” is these tens of millions of migrants will displace you and everything you do – relegating you to third class citizens along with the poorest whites (and yellows, browns and reds).
One can only wonder at the duplicity of State Governors like Hochul and Whitmer who thought nothing of a push to construct “quarantine camps” for those not taking the experimental and toxic C19 injection - yet see no problem is sucking their own people dry by paying for measures denied to their own people.
The Democratic Party intentionally kills and maims Americans and makes them poorer, sicker and stupid(er).
Ad all the before the DEI, CRT, BLM bullshit is taken into account.
And the cost?
US national debt as of 31 December 2019 – before the “deep state” removed Trump from authority in 2020 = 22.7 trillion dollars. It is ow rapidly approaching 36 trillion and will be 40 trillion dollars in a few years.
Without the scamdemic, US national debt would be around 28 trillion – 7 trillion less than we have seen under the military health and Democratic Party regime of the last (almost) 5 years. The interest on that 40 trillion bucks will be around 2 trillion a year – twice the budget of the Pentagon. Two trillion bucks to service the pork barrel, corrupt policies of past generations of neo-cons and Democrats. Money that could be going to the poor, suck and elderly – and is not.
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There is a reckoning coming! I hope it’s this November 5th!
THE CULL TRILOGY – by Allan Malcolm MacRae
"The ability to correctly predict is the best objective measure of scientific and technical competence."
Covid & Climate Chronicles – The Big Cull
Fifty Years of False Fears
The New Dark Age
Regards, Allan MacRae, Calgary