What is a "New Democracy"? Old Totalitarianism. Canada is run by socialists under the umbrella of unions galore—unions for everything and most of them are public unions. The majority of Canadian workers are paid from tax revenue, ergo they don't contribute to tax revenue. Canada will never survive Canadians. The best we can hope for is to get the hell out. When people ask me where I come from I say 1948.

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Early release of Tucker/Putin interview:


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We've drifted into peak-Zelensky, peak-Hillary (https://stateofthenation.co/?p=209880), peak-Trudeau, peak-climatism coupled to DIE derangement syndrome (https://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/1864319/british-countryside-racist-colonial-woke-wildlife-charities), and we have peak-hysteria by the globalist Mockingbrid media at the release of Tucker Carlson's interview with President Putin, https://stateofthenation.co/?p=209353

...and still mesmerized, 'polite society' warbles on at the ever evolving prospect of peak death from peak de-'carbonisation' without linking either.

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Even one of those idiots are trying to lock us all up and shut down the one thing that works in Canada, they're all psychopaths. So in -30 below we're supposed to use solar panels and wind, ok then. (Big eye roll)

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“It is prohibited for a person to promote a fossil fuel, a fossil fuel-related brand element or the production of a fossil fuel,” reads the act. Well, you can throw out wind and solar as well, because they require fossil fuels in order to be produced.

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That's the point isn't it? Destitution, depopulation and death. One wonders what the suicidal instigators and perpetrators think will feed and keep them warm?

Such is the DIE polemic of de-carbonisation.

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And Quebec has just passed a new and insane lockdown law. Which will probably spread all over the country. Climate change, you know.

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This proscribed speech is what jordan Peterson fought so hard to stop. Canada needs to rise up and impeach trudeau

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It seems like Canadians are idiots ! What in the hell are you people doing ? First of all , toss Trudeau out ! Then get some smart people to take over. With our idiot democraps here , you guys are trying to be worse !

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