We know. And I am still angry. There has to be retributi9n...all the laws taken down..all the partipants barred from ever working again. Put em 8n jail

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Hi Peter,

A few points you probably already know:

Excess deaths in the USA in year 2020 totalled about 535,000. These were needless deaths caused by incompetent late treatment, Remdesivir and ventilators.

In contrast, in Alberta, we had no excess deaths in 2020 well past July 1, end of the first flu season. This is because Alberta doctors practised competent early treatment used for conventional flus.

Excess deaths started in Alberta in 2021 with the introduction of the toxic COVID-19. Vaccines.

Total excess deaths in Canada now number over 150,000, more than we lost in all our wars going back to the 1500s. All these excess deaths can be attributed to the toxic COVID-19 vaccines.

In USA, total excess deaths due to the toxic COVID-19 vaccines now exceed 1.6 million, more than all American deaths in all their wars back to the 1500s.

I believe the only way we will see Justice served is through military tribunal’s similar to Nuremberg 1.0 in 1945 and 1946. Hangings and firing squads.years

Best regards, Allan MacRae

My pronouns are Nuremberg /2.0

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This may be of use/interest


As of November 9th 2024, there have been

779,239 Excess Non-Covid Natural Cause Deaths (primarily from the Covid Vaccine),

167,960 Excess Non-Natural Deaths (including 120,000 sudden cardiac deaths in casual drug users),

379,731 Excess Deaths from Malpractice and Denial of Treatment,1

378,419 Excess Deaths from the SARS-CoV-2 virus (6.6 x annual influenza-pneumonia)2

making for a grand total of 1,326,930 (77.8%) Manmade Excess Deaths of US Citizens, out of a Pandemic Total Excess Mortality of 1,705,349.

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Never assume a Doctor of Medicine knows more than you.

And if you don’t get that, you might as well do exactly what they say.

Because, in that case, it doesn’t matter what you think.

About anything.

That’s how this world works.

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