Tony Heller strikes again!!! - shows how NOAA uses fraud to mislead the US public about rising US temperatures
You almost start to feel sorry for the gullible slime green eco-sycophants brainwashed by the Cult of Moloch – well almost.
In this 8 minute video, Tony Heller exposes the (criminal?) fraud of NOAA as it blatantly fabricates temperature data for the US. (h/t Citizen Free Press)
Climate Fakery Part 19 - YouTube
Please watch the video. I have cited Mr Heller many times, for example, he features in this compendium of “debunking” articles.
Mr Heller leads off with articles from the Washington Post and New York Times from 50 years ago claiming an ic age would commence – in 50 years.
The real eye openers are the use of “algorithms” within NOAA that populate temperature records for measurement stations that have gone off-line and no longer report temperatures.
Less than 10% in 1980 was fabricated from non-reporting temperature measurement stations, now it is over 50%.
NOAA simply fabricates data to create a “warming trend”. NOAS then propagates that falsified data into other records.
The below is a good illustration of the type of fraud perpetrated by NOAA – the first chart is 1931 showing high temperature extremes - all over the US.
The chart below shows the high temperature extremes in 2021.
Almost nothing on the east of the US, and yet NOAA reports a trend of rising high temperatures extremes. LIES!!!!!!
Here is NOAA’s representation using a Climate Extreme Index
Lots of red for “Danger, Danger, Will Robinson” to the right for the latest year and lots of blue for the cool on the left hand side for long ago years.
A complete inversion of the evidence.
Now, for 2022 and 2023 there will have been a global impact on climate from Hunga Tonga. London is experiencing one of its cloudiest (and wettest) July/early August periods in decades, whilst other areas in southern Europe are a little warmer than the usual hot summer weather. I haven’t seen any meteorological analysis for the biggest seismic even in thirty years – not quite rivalling Krakatoa but close!
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This is a very common trend. Once you examine the data from a climate change story you realize that the headline is the exact opposite of the data, or the data has been exaggerated, sensationalized or even made up. Scaring people sells newspapers so they constantly terrorise everyone. They are the terrororists.
NASA has also been caught changing the historical temps on their websites. However these things called “Books” are hard to change and show where Dr Hansen etal have been committing fraud.