THIS - 100%: "The only global growing trend is the one towards elimination of global dictatorship and totalitarian control by morons who think they are better than everyone else. They are not. They are just people with a psychiatric condition which makes them think they are 'superior' to ordinary people."
The path through tyrannical edicts is mass civil disobedience. If every single Canadian who values free speech thumbs their nose at Justin Blackface Castreaux and unleashed torrents of "hate speech," even "hate speech" they don't hold true and are offended by themselves, just to uphold the right to speak offensively, the edicts would be nullified and voided by vox populi. The people's veto.
Compliance is the surest path to totalitarianism.
“If the natural tendencies of mankind are so bad that it is not safe to permit people to be free, how is it that the tendencies of these organizers are always good? Do not the legislators and their appointed agents also belong to the human race? Or do they believe that they themselves are made of a finer clay than the rest of mankind?”
“Joining the growing global trend towards social media regulation,...."
Actually, they are not regulating the social media companies. Who they are regulating are the everyday Jills and Joes who use social media companies. That is, they are just putting more restrictions on private citizens. "Don't go against the narrative, or it is hate speech with a double punishment. And don't dare try to tell others that they should go against the narrative either." But you can talk about everyday things like, "The weather is great" but don't dare say "so much for climate change, the weather is great!" or you will pay the price.
Just a blueprint for what is going to happen in California and then the rest of the USA.
The only possible answer for online hate is mandatory euthanasia, the only possible answer. You see, the un-vaccinated are a threat, one that can't be solved by simply forcibly vaccinating them, at gunpoint if necessary, as that will in some instances result in their forced action.
Guesses are....deem all assumed hatred speech as an untreatable mental illness. Jail time and drugs until MAID is begged for or they administer under the guise of compassion.
WEFers are gonna WEF..... Blame Canada? Justin Trudeau Creates Blueprint for Dystopia in Horrific Speech Bill
Life sentences for speech? Pre-crime detention? Ex post facto law? Anonymous accusers? It's all in Justin Trudeau's "Online Harms Bill," a true "threat to democracy"
Prof Hall "The most disastrous legislative initiative ever mounted by a Canadian government." "If Canadians open the door to life imprisonment and open-ended house arrest for the supposed crime of saying things to people that they don’t like, what comes next? Arbitrary executions and torture come next."]-R&c[0]=AT3WrV2_rqWTdLbTyzzMbaibWQ_t1nNWGOXl_AF5fLxofJER5JKhMbYwjwZlcDu4VjpepvbVKydwjRNUInKyNGnFFql3eYFhBdHBWxGJR5qx5RnTsDrkVMHBne-vBFIo3zgXQXYp7RK2fmFskrmaTH2TjGRSQlR1Oi2ydWl2kal2py0
THIS - 100%: "The only global growing trend is the one towards elimination of global dictatorship and totalitarian control by morons who think they are better than everyone else. They are not. They are just people with a psychiatric condition which makes them think they are 'superior' to ordinary people."
The path through tyrannical edicts is mass civil disobedience. If every single Canadian who values free speech thumbs their nose at Justin Blackface Castreaux and unleashed torrents of "hate speech," even "hate speech" they don't hold true and are offended by themselves, just to uphold the right to speak offensively, the edicts would be nullified and voided by vox populi. The people's veto.
Compliance is the surest path to totalitarianism.
“If the natural tendencies of mankind are so bad that it is not safe to permit people to be free, how is it that the tendencies of these organizers are always good? Do not the legislators and their appointed agents also belong to the human race? Or do they believe that they themselves are made of a finer clay than the rest of mankind?”
― Frederic Bastiat, The Law
Castreaux is made of sewer sludge. Not fine clay.
Great quote! Thanks for sharing, Freedom Fox. ~ Just now added it into my "red pill' library:
“Joining the growing global trend towards social media regulation,...."
Actually, they are not regulating the social media companies. Who they are regulating are the everyday Jills and Joes who use social media companies. That is, they are just putting more restrictions on private citizens. "Don't go against the narrative, or it is hate speech with a double punishment. And don't dare try to tell others that they should go against the narrative either." But you can talk about everyday things like, "The weather is great" but don't dare say "so much for climate change, the weather is great!" or you will pay the price.
Just a blueprint for what is going to happen in California and then the rest of the USA.
The only possible answer for online hate is mandatory euthanasia, the only possible answer. You see, the un-vaccinated are a threat, one that can't be solved by simply forcibly vaccinating them, at gunpoint if necessary, as that will in some instances result in their forced action.
It certainly would in my case!
What could be hidden here?
Guesses are....deem all assumed hatred speech as an untreatable mental illness. Jail time and drugs until MAID is begged for or they administer under the guise of compassion.
The new build back better cattle farm.
The WEF is the common factor in the obvious and systemic betrayal of the West by those elected to protect the West.
The EU is/was a big part of the madness!
And the WHO!
WEFers are gonna WEF..... Blame Canada? Justin Trudeau Creates Blueprint for Dystopia in Horrific Speech Bill
Life sentences for speech? Pre-crime detention? Ex post facto law? Anonymous accusers? It's all in Justin Trudeau's "Online Harms Bill," a true "threat to democracy"
America This Week, May 10, 2024: Canada Über Alles! On Justin Trudeau's Terrifying New Speech Law
Walter and Matt discuss the New York Times and Canada's Online Harms Act.
Should be re-named for what it is:
‘The Political Dissidents Incarceration Act’
Totalitarianism is at the door.