..she's just another fake phony baloney paid psyop tool to further the agendas!..

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Zero degrees, zero knowledge but excellent in being programed on garbage and acting it out.

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She’s a really useful sock puppet for the Climate Cult.

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sort of like a "pet rock" for the UN.

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She’s a human construct, like George Dubya or Barack Obama.

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He is no good and is a bad actor at best.. Its all staged and BS. The so called police probably travel with her, check her hotel you will find them LOL.. They are all informercials like Gates does.. No critical journalist or questions allowed.

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Mr. Peter Halligan, sir: you have an extraordinary gift for writing very unique descriptions! I love your writing and this piece on Greta is wonderful. I can't stand this angry, cranky brat and just wish she would go away. Thank you for describing her in such a succinct way. I always love reading your writing, but this one hit the jackpot! Thank you!

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Thank you fpr reading! It is useful to know my style has approval!

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There is no objective difference between Greta Thunberg and 9-year-old Elizabeth (Betty) Parris or 11-year-old Abigail Williams (the two girls who ignited the Salem witch trials. Another mass formation psychosis with the associated loss of properties and lives.

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GREAT comparison, you are so right!

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Greta, ... bores me!

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She not only bores me, she annoys me.

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Greta will NOT debate Naomi Seibt. Let's see it, let's see this debate!

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Great little piece ... will post it on my FB page w/the image. Esp. poignant is the $19Million!

BTW, Peter, you might want to finish your last paragraph. You start it with, "It is interesting to conjecture whether, if ..." but you don't finish that thought. "Whether, if..." then what?

PS...where does that information come from about pre-natal damage from irradiated winds (??) coming from Chernobyl? Thx

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I see this for that para:

"It is interesting to conjecture whether, if she had been born to parents on the opposite side of the “climate debate” which holds that THERE IS NO CLIMATE CRISIS – only a corrupt and massive extortion racket to create wealth for cronies in the Cult of Moloch whilst diverting scarce resources to the creation of horribly expensive energy and eyesores the length and breadth of the planet."

Maybe it truncated when I changed the "Great" to "Greta"?

The mother/grandfather (great grandfather?) story first appeared many years ago (2016?) - I have searched for it and cannot get back to it - maybe a comment on a now defunct website - it made sense and checked out at the time.

Chernobyl 1986 - prevailing winds - need to back it up with other instances of women suffering radiation damage i nthe the decade or so following.

Thunberg born in 2003? Her heath issues manifested ten years later?

As with all potential for censorship - this will be a reason not to use a posted comment. that cannot be reproduced. So in that sense I will keep looking for it or withdraw it.

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You've got that right, Peter. I'm always careful about those things. That's why I posted your comment without that part. I ended the paragraph with "disabilities...."

You know that the fact-chuckers will look for anything that's not documented to censor or demean a post, even if the 99% is true and easily documented.

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Grrr... can't find it so deleted it. Bleh

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Peter, were you being a punny guy or was that a serendipitous misspelling in the title?

Greta > Great: "Great Thunberg"

Whatever, great to see Greta doing her Gabor garbage.

Get free, stay safe.

lol, you did your spell check just as I posted this? leave it in, perfect, use (sicK).

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Started off as "punny" then I thought better of it! haha.

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You did get my slippery Great (sicK) Thunberg-er? :)

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I confess I almost said "Grater Thunberg"!

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Great! I have used that in that old canard "It's for the Grater Good". :)

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The Undesigned Universe - Peter Ward

“ . . . it is these ocean state changes that are

1:02:28 correlated with the great disasters of the past impact can cause extinction but

1:02:35 it did so in our past only wants[once] that we can tell whereas this has happened over

1:02:40 and over and over again we have fifteen evidences times of mass extinction in the past 500 million years

1:02:48 so the implications for the implications the implications of the carbon dioxide is really dangerous if you heat your

1:02:55 planet sufficiently to cause your Arctic to melt if you cause the temperature

1:03:01 gradient between your tropics and your Arctic to be reduced you risk going back

1:03:07 to a state that produces these hydrogen sulfide pulses . . . “


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Raining sulphuric acid would be a huge problem, say from a concatenation of volcanic eruptions around the entire ring of fire.

I worry even more about methane release on a massive scale from a yet to be discovered cause.

CO2? That FOLLOWS temperature increases not precedes it..

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"CO2 didn't initiate warming from past ice ages but it did amplify the warming. In fact, about 90% of the global warming followed the CO2 increase."


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That site believes climate change is real; it isn't. Some years ago, the scientists who supposedly signed on to IPCC document came out and said that 99% of them never signed it and their signatures were forged. They were quite angry that their names had been used to perpetrate a lie and were NOT happy about it. Climate change was thought up by the same people who back Greta Thunberg. Climate change proponents are the same ones manipulating the weather so we have weather wars right now and lying to us. Climate hasn't gotten any warmer than it was 25 yrs ago; we are in fact about to have a mini ice age in a few years. Husband has been a scientist for over 50 yrs and has found enough evidence proving climate change is a hoax, as have numerous other scientists.

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"Every part of the Earth's climate system has continued warming since 1998, with 2015 shattering temperature records."


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I've already told you that website is full of it. I guess you are calling all those scientists liars - or idiots who don't know any science? Really? There is tons of evidence that climate change isn't real, deep state has numerous ways of making it APPEAR so but it isn't. You are relying on info from ONE website - I have lots of different sources which say that website is a load of bunk. What real science says is that a mini ice age is coming very soon. Deep state has been doing alot of things to monkey with our weather - and weather isn't the same as climate. I"ve done tons of research on this and used to believe in climate change, too - until I found out the truth. I'm done with this conversation.

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Why don't tell them?

I won't hold my breath!!

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how much impact from that I wonder?


temperature records that started at the low point for 8,000 years in 1875 when those records began?


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My main point here is that all those scientist who supposedly signed on to the ICCC climate "research" paper have all come out and signed a petition about 10 yrs ago saying they never signed ICCC and that their signatures were forged. This should tell us all something very important about climate change - that it's a hoax and a lie. Research what real, uncompromised scientists have to say.

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