Your instinct are exactly right. There is something huge here and their numbers are wrong. Your numbers are closer to the truth, but still wrong. Let me help you with reading comprehension and math. 6,009 cases among roughly 6.4 million new immigrants is about 94 cases per 100,000 as compared to 2,291 cases among roughly 330 million who have been in the United States for awhile and have a rate of .7 per million. 134 recent immigrants have cases for every 1 established resident having a case.

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It's New York, so they deserve it all.

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Oct 26, 2023Liked by Peter Halligan

The Thai/German Dr Bahkdi mentioned TB early on as a result of spike protein in lungs and, with info on DNA made with Ecoli being in these jabs, it was mentioned by the female pathologist who spoke after oncologist, can't recall names right now, who said because of integration of this DNA, people would become antibiotic resistant.

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Oct 26, 2023Liked by Peter Halligan

There are immigrants coming into Canada with TB. My daughter has seen a number of cases in Halifax. When I moved to Canada decades ago the requirements to enter the country included s as chest x-ray, bloodwork, and a TB test. It doesn’t appear in today’s world that health screenings for entry are rigorous enough, are overlooked, or can be easily forged.

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Worth keeping a close eye on. No need to panic yet though.

From July 2023

https://peterhalligan.substack.com/p/a-quick-look-at-imported-tb-fingers crossed it is not the start of another global pandemic

from a few days ago

https://peterhalligan.substack.com/p/dark-thoughts-on-a-sunday-what-might Disease X be? TB, Nipah, Marburg or C19 mRNA injection damage?

https://peterhalligan.substack.com/p/conspiracy-theory-disease-x-will be caused by a bacteria developed by National Resilience a company making the Moderna “vaccines” – Michael McManus, Rahul Singhvi, Christopher Darby the "perps"

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Well, it's a good thing TB & Polio are not contagious.

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you beat me to it!

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Don't trust the media!

All lies and propaganda!


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I wouldn't trust either agencies.

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As I visited a National Park and saw the whole bags of kitchen garbage being dumped on the trails by illegal immigrants, I just thought "Illegal immigration. Ain't it grand?"

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