My sisters, 76 & 66, got 2 AZ between May & July 2021 (despite my warnings) and I'm pretty sure they also both got a booster (or two) in early 2022. As far as I can gather (as we don't communicate much anymore given they consider me a far right conspiracy theorist), their problems began between mid- to end-2023. The older one discovered by chance she had heart problems during bunion operation last year and is now on blood thinners; the younger one has had double knee replacement. They were both relatively fit before the shots, healthy eaters, non-smokers, moderate drinkers. Most people in their age group in Oz got AZ. I am now seeing noticeable increase in deaths among people born between mid '40s to mid '50s reported in local newspaper. Not that old really. I'm also hearing ambulance sirens blaring again along road at back of my house. Three yesterday. So AZ shots seem to be ticking time bombs. No mRNA in them all the same.

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My elder brther 67 has taken 3 shots - he says they were all AZ - he fell off his Harley i the rai doig 60 o a motorway in the northwest of England a few weeks ago. Might have been his fault r clipped - he doesn't remember much until waking up i hospital.

I suspect the next call of this type will be about him not from him.

I am still truing to understand how to be up to daye o mRNA in the US, you have to have ahd 10 shots.t

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A lot doesn't make sense after all this time. The mRNA shots were supposed to rise in severity per dose, yet they decline from the 3rd. The viral vector AZ vaccine was supposed to go down on the 2nd dose, it does but the third dose is massively toxic. Obviously I found all those reference points that strongly indicate massive numbers of hidden reports but the nature of them I cannot say. I would point out that 1 in 32 reports from unknown vaccine is a death report, even worse than AZ. I believe this is Johnson and Johnson in the UK, a supercharged single dose viral vector vaccine aimed at private healthcare. 97 death reports there.

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Yep. Democracy and healthcare die in darkness. We could make informed decisions and science could progress to better outcomes.. but.. censorship and "denial of data" prevent that.

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VAERS is a nightmare to wrestle with. I believe they also had a subcontractor working on the adverse events - and failed to pay the subcontractor.

No money? No reports until they pay up.

That might explain a good part of the discrepancy.

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The US-MIL took over the COVID war in March 2020, under rules of war its an act of treason to discuss war plans, or mission, or operational deployment, ergo all players are subject to secrecy laws and long prison stays in really bad MIL prisons;


See the timeline in this post, and see if there is any part of the COVID mil op that you didn't see coming; Just like span-flu I always say it to was a US-MIL OP 1916-1919, in that 3 years 50M died worldwide & 500k in USA, and it was ran by same people running the COVID op today;

So COV19 is a nothing burger as COVID deaths today are 1% of the span-flu deaths, which was real killer a man would be fine in the morning, turn blue in the afternoon and be dead by sunset;

Call 'span-flu' cuz they were the only people on earth permitted to report in the USA the US-MIL refused to allow any newspaper to even mention the 'flu' other than a context to 'spain' who was neutral

WW1 records show more US men died of the flu during WW1, than shot by bullets in the trenches; The span-flu was number one cause of death in WW1;

Could be the same now, trial run with COV19, and now with COV25 coming, and WW3 the USA could have gotten an 'antidote' developed during the VAERS feedback loop of march 2020-2022, and johns-hopkins could have found the 'universal bio-weapon immune' system they were looking for??

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