The illegal immigrants….like those here in the USA…will never opt for such processes thus from an economic issue their healthcare costs will always be covered by the ever decreasing real citizens….And of course, the Progressives will insist to make illegals sooner than later citizens to further take the Govts further towards destruction of the Nations.

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Anyone educated in sovereign crime syndicates knows how this idea will play out.

1) Arrest undesirables for remarking on the wardrobe of the pedo fag king

2) The jail, in a continual state of public health emergency, administers the proper injections

3) Now on the VAX track, the malcontent seeks medical assistance for its new debilitation

4) The patient is diagnosed as terminal, is injected with accelerating agents, is sent home with the kill me please forms.

5) The condition of the patient worsens. The latest drug induces insufferable nightmares.

6) forms are signed, sealed, and submitted

7) the dirty deed is done.

But managed health is free!

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The 'doctors' and 'medicine' lead the way in New Zealand. Full term abortion, assisted suicide, 1:5 pregnancies terminated, epic youth suicide rates. Quite the quiet culture of death in that little South Seas globalist enclave.

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