many thanks aware the petition about the manifesto currently has almost 37,000 signatures it needs a minimum of 100,000 to get it debated in the uk parliament..people of the uk its very important that you sign it and much more important that you reshare it widely all over the uk with as many like minded people and groups as you possibly can and be sure to ask each one of them to do exactly the same as im asking you in this post. but be very aware the usual suspects are currently and will no doubt continue to both censor and suppress it yes i do mean x/you tube/facebook..however there are many alternatives that can and must be used and the most powerful one is clearly e mails which are impossible to censor or suppress
As this “government “ and ALL parties are not lawful or actually government but ONLY corporations offering government services fraudulently, voting in their corporations elections is worthless. Your votes don’t count. All your votes do is contract you to the debts of the corporations, then the corporations go bankrupt and you pay! If you want change then join your assembly and help form the actual land and soil jurisdiction government you are owed!
As a realist, if it took you from 1968-2024 or 56 years to get lost in the woods you are not going to find your way out overnight.
Europeans who innately understand that a restoration of Judeo-Christian values and institutions is in order also NEED to understand that it is not a question of whether you can legislate morality but whose morality are you going to legislate.
It ought to be apparent that the radical atheist, materialist, Davos inspired progressives, are legislating their morality by imprisoning people for using the wrong pronouns, citizens for praying silently outside Progressive abortion temples, venturing outside their 15 minute cities, relying upon fossil fuels to heat their homes, having a home garden, etc., and radical theist, supremacist, Islamicists, Quran inspired are gang raping British girls, burning down Christian Churches, imposing Sharia law in schools, in a hostile takeover.
So European Christians and Jews should feel no compunction about the need to legislate their morality and do so like a Roman phalanx while the Islamicists are below 10% of the total population and the radical progressive elites can no longer HIDE their treasonous destruction of their own nation states of Europe.
Once Christians and Jews, take off their radical, atheist, materialist, imposed Progressive mental shackles, of always thinking it improper to legislate morality, then and only then, will European nation states be able to restore a solid foundation to support the super-structure of Democracy (an enlightened citizenry) and Freedom (a beloved discipline).
many thanks aware the petition about the manifesto currently has almost 37,000 signatures it needs a minimum of 100,000 to get it debated in the uk parliament..people of the uk its very important that you sign it and much more important that you reshare it widely all over the uk with as many like minded people and groups as you possibly can and be sure to ask each one of them to do exactly the same as im asking you in this post. but be very aware the usual suspects are currently and will no doubt continue to both censor and suppress it yes i do mean x/you tube/facebook..however there are many alternatives that can and must be used and the most powerful one is clearly e mails which are impossible to censor or suppress
As this “government “ and ALL parties are not lawful or actually government but ONLY corporations offering government services fraudulently, voting in their corporations elections is worthless. Your votes don’t count. All your votes do is contract you to the debts of the corporations, then the corporations go bankrupt and you pay! If you want change then join your assembly and help form the actual land and soil jurisdiction government you are owed!
Other countries are doing it to. America, Australia, South Africa, Portugal etc etc.
the world is awake and taking back what is rightfully ours!
As a realist, if it took you from 1968-2024 or 56 years to get lost in the woods you are not going to find your way out overnight.
Europeans who innately understand that a restoration of Judeo-Christian values and institutions is in order also NEED to understand that it is not a question of whether you can legislate morality but whose morality are you going to legislate.
It ought to be apparent that the radical atheist, materialist, Davos inspired progressives, are legislating their morality by imprisoning people for using the wrong pronouns, citizens for praying silently outside Progressive abortion temples, venturing outside their 15 minute cities, relying upon fossil fuels to heat their homes, having a home garden, etc., and radical theist, supremacist, Islamicists, Quran inspired are gang raping British girls, burning down Christian Churches, imposing Sharia law in schools, in a hostile takeover.
So European Christians and Jews should feel no compunction about the need to legislate their morality and do so like a Roman phalanx while the Islamicists are below 10% of the total population and the radical progressive elites can no longer HIDE their treasonous destruction of their own nation states of Europe.
Once Christians and Jews, take off their radical, atheist, materialist, imposed Progressive mental shackles, of always thinking it improper to legislate morality, then and only then, will European nation states be able to restore a solid foundation to support the super-structure of Democracy (an enlightened citizenry) and Freedom (a beloved discipline).