If so, that's just the ones who died in a relatively short timeframe. Jury's still out on long-term effects. Will we ever know?

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just track excess mortality and maybe use the rule of thumb of one death per 800 doses and many double jabbed - so one in 400 of those injected - increasing all the time as more drop dead.



13.5 billion doses - 70.5 % of the world injected = 5.6 billion people.

16.875 million deaths SO FAR - as you say, it is growing daily.

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My substack about our article is here: https://denisrancourt.substack.com/p/covid-19-vaccine-associated-mortality

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I am 75 (never vaccinated). 99% of my peer group friends and acquaintances have had multiple jabs and many have comorbidities yet only 1 has died of cancer (which could well be vax driven). If all of these figures are correct, how can all this be swept under the rug. And how can every health agency still be calling this death shot 'safe and effective'?

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"If that one death per 800 doses was replicated in the US, around 860,000 Americans have been killed by C19 injections"

4 different analysts calculated an under reporting factor for VAERS. They got 31, 41, 44, and 100. Using the lowest of 31 and the VAERS data, you get one million deaths in the US from the injections. Using the highest of 100, you get more than 3 million deaths.

In February of this year, Dennis Rancourt ran an analysis that concluded that injections killed 13 million people globally. Now, 7 months later, he is saying 17 million.

This has been one of the largest mass murders in history, and yet no one is being held accountable. If fact, they are not even admitting that it happened.

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Yes. check this out from February 2023

https://peterhalligan.substack.com/p/refresher-on-the-under-reporting Factor (URF) – The Giant Syringe in the Room

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awesome! thank you!

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You are welcome.

What isn't being addressed is the "migration" from mild to severe (life altering) to serious (life threatening) - or vice versa. The injuries will progress through stages with the negative moves far outweighing the healing moves by a large margin and progressing to death.

We can hope that these is a reconciliation of the extra deaths shown in this chart of 2020, 2021 and 2022 deaths (more than 1.5 million extra deaths v 2019)


Rancourt has also said that there was no pandemic - which implies that almost all deaths said to be from C19 were due to other causes.

The "bait and switch" is that, whereas deaths were falsely attributed to C19, deaths are now NOY being given a correct category of "vaxx deaths" and are instead being ascribed to other leading causes - in a complete reversal of the fake C19 death attribution method.

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can we believe the stats on deadorkicking? It's showing a declining death rate in 21 and 22. I thought there were stats (life insurance date, e.g.) that showed otherwise, that the death rate in 21 and 22 was actually higher than that of 2020.

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The chart on deadorkicking that I am looking at shows these death rates

2019 8.7

2020 10.3

2021 10.2

2022 10.1

So, there is a small decline over 2020 to 2022 but it is after a leap of 18% between 2019 and 2020.

There should have been a return to that 8.7 number of 2019. Note the death rate hit a low of under 8 in 2009 - which implies that the death rate is more than 25% higher than 14 years ago.

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Sep 21, 2023
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Welcome back Karen - what you are doing is brave but sadly akin to pushing a rope up a hill, as the folk up the food chain who really need to read and hear and take action have shown their utter contempt for the truth and an amazing level of cowardice, even when some close to them have succumbed to the frankenshots themselves. I can only conclude that these folk have been (willingly) mind controlled as their action / inaction is bizarre to say the least. Jasus wept!

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That conclusion is likely missing much of the real data. The mission of these murderers is to kill off 7 billion humans ASAP. They are setting the stage for a possible event that will murder billions in a very short time...months, not years. WW3 or something else?

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So nice to hear from you again! Why! Because the killing, the poisoning, the burning, the destruction and leveling will only get worse unless 'they' are stopped ... by us. There is not much good left to us in this world, and so ... clear voices are the more cherished. God bless you.

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Karen Kingston thanks for cross posting. God bless everyone fighting for our humanity.

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Clearly (and not just in Australia & Malaysia), the real pandemic is the TV-19 bio weapon shots and not TV-19. Welcome back Karen Kingston! We are all so happy you are alive and well!

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Absolutely! No increase in all cause mortality until the killer jabs. Ergo, there was not pandemic. Only a bio-weapon.

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They are all party to this agenda. Our only way now is to stsy ahead of the agenda. You in the U.S. are being manipulated on Oct 4 to receive a cell phone message in regard to a 'national emergency'. This is the way that they will activate the injection contents. Possibly not this time but this is their plan. Stay safe.

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Did those death numbers come from the government? Because they seem very low. I know that VAERS is under reported by 99% or more, so I usually multiply the numbers by 100 to get a more reasonable estimate. So that would be about 86 million Americans killed so far. That would be 100 deaths per 800 doses. I think the numbers will be much higher than that in the end.

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My elderly mom had neurological issues and I’m sure she’s shortened her life span by taking these. Her family lived well into their 90’s independently. She’s 81. & very stubborn. She took supplements I got her for one week and quit. Last year I would get emotional every holiday, so relieved she’s still alive. She shrugged off the injuries as old age. She has a very strong denial system. (Mk ultra programming but that’s another topic).

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I think that the Malthusian Pharma Cartel/Cult is seriously pissed that they didn’t kill billions - they will surely try harder next time.

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They ARE trying harder. Using other methods in addition to pharma. Like burning people out with DEW's in Lahaina, flooding people out with weather warfare all over the world (last was Libya), microwave radiation to cause serious illness, ELF to cause earthquakes, train derailments to pollute the cities with toxins that cause cancer and other fatal illnesses. The list goes on and on and on. Wide open border with illegal, unvetted immigrants flooding in. No health checks are done, so they are probably bringing in all kinds of disease. Many could be criminals but since they are unvetted we cannot know. Most are able bodied young men without families; the kind that could be used as mercenaries to take out our own citizens. How about all the single male Chinese immigrants? People do NOT leave China without permission. Why is their government allowing them to come here? I think it is pretty obvious. We are being attacked from all sides.

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I should screen cap your response and post it on my Facebook…there are only a handful of people in my circle that get it like you and the rest of us on these Substacks. It seems so fricking obvious to us, but the vast majority still have no clue, or they’re afraid to talk about what they are seeing. This whole mass formation psychosis phenomenon seems biblical to me…as in, they are led to believe a great delusion because they chose to ignore the most high God. Satan is spinning his lies, and they lap it right up, while the rest of us see right through it.

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A total war of extermination by other means. And I agree, it's very obvious.

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& poisoning the food. Americans will have vaccinated meat in 2023. I can’t find the link I saw. I’m already so sensitive to additives in food, it’s overwhelming at times. Chemtrails are full of heavy metals, see them daily.

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Sep 25, 2023
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Thanks! Standing on the shoulders of giants, though!

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"The righteous will rejoice when he sees the vengeance; he will bathe his feet in the blood of the wicked."

Psalm 58:10

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Glad your back Karen! God bless!

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