Mr. Peter PANDA release some videos today :) just in case you interested https://rumble.com/c/PANDATA19

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Interesting.. emulsion PCR and NOT a Neil Ferguson model - an actual mathematical proof!

Nanopores PCR cycles over 30 are crap and lots more in the KM piece. Fred30 = 99.9% accurate?

Watching the bait and switch -left with the impression that any substance could have been used in the vials to produce the same results (e.g vinegar and soap) that were accepted by regulators.

different process = different product and NO regulator checked the Process 2 quality at ay time - just took manufacturers word for it. I bet regulators still aren't doing any quality control and compliance testing.

I am betting there is a bunch of overlap with CRIPSR tech for quality control of on and off target gene editing.

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