I"m old enought to clearly remember the day President JFK was shot. This same presidential assasination attempt is way too similar to JFK's death. Right after assasination attempt by both assasins, Lee Harvey Oswald & Crooks, they both are killed. Not getting complete autopsy info from coroner is also similar to "suicide" of Marilyn Monroe which I've investigated most of my life and I'll soon be 70 y.o. With MM, again it was questions surrounding her autopsy; one book by policeman who investigated her death intensely says he personally saw the coroner's report when it was first delivered; few days later that report was removed and another put in its place and it had different info. Granted, that coroner who did MM autopsy, Thomas Noguchi, was notoriously crooked, to put it politely. Since then, I've read about way too many coroners also doing illegal, crooked things - as in Supreme Court Justice Anthony Scalia's death, again it was the coroner who circumvented the law so we'll never know the truth about Scalia's death.

Then there is strange death of JFK, Jr. They said he was inexperienced pilot, when in reality too many people who knew him said he was an excellent very experienced pilot who was always very, very cautious. His body was apparently given over to Pres Bill Clinton who gave the order to have the body cremated, very shortly after JFK's death. Firstly, JFK was a very sincere Catholic and NO sincere Catholic in those days would have agreed to have been cremated. Secondly, why did Clinton get to have the say over what should be done with the body. JFK, Jr. had a sister, Caroline, who should have had the say over his body. So what happened there?

Something is very, very wrong and the fact that there is a pattern to all these deaths (and many others such as those who had 2 shots to back of head and were declared "suicided") should tell us there is a group who follow same pattern who are out to kill anyone who might talk or know things this group doesn't want anyone to know. Who are these people and why do they keep killing people?

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Scandalous, but expected.

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Too many "coincidences". I don't believe in coincidences, but I SURE don't believe in the number that took place on assassination attempt day and the following days.

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President JFK

his son, JFK Jr.

Supreme Court Justice Anthony Scalia

Marilyn Monroe (had an affair with JFK)

These are only some of the many people who were killed/assasinated and who knew a lot about the govt and deep state. Their deaths are mysterious and always it's the coroner's office who stops us from knowing exactly how these people died. Scalia was found with pillow over his head and his body was cremated, even though he was Catholic and Catholics NEVER are cremated. Nothing suspicious there! There's a pattern here and we have to wonder what is going on and who is murdering these people?

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They do what they want & keep a straight face while covering it up. It's not over till it's over. Judgement is coming. Being thoroughly wicked won't be so cool then.

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