Someone on substack wrote that the WHO is close to sealing a global pandemic treaty including the US this month with the aid of the Biden/Blinken administration.
If so, then Trump might want to cut a deal with Old Joe that he will pardon the entire Biden family if he terminates this deal with the WHO now rather than wait for some adjudication by a majority of the Supreme Court in the bag with the Globalists already.
The morally scrupulous would scream bloody murder at the Biden's skating free but if " Preserving the Union" is the objective then prosecuting a corpse and his crack head son seems like an acceptable trade-off.
Unknown to Americans, Biden signed away America's sovereignty to the UN at the end of Sept this year. I hope that Trump can rescind the US participation somehow
How much are we paying those WHO creeps, anyway?
Seems like a worthy budget cut.
He brought home all the troops so surely this great notion is inevitable!
Thank you President Trump! We love you! ❤️🇺🇸MAGA
Someone on substack wrote that the WHO is close to sealing a global pandemic treaty including the US this month with the aid of the Biden/Blinken administration.
If so, then Trump might want to cut a deal with Old Joe that he will pardon the entire Biden family if he terminates this deal with the WHO now rather than wait for some adjudication by a majority of the Supreme Court in the bag with the Globalists already.
The morally scrupulous would scream bloody murder at the Biden's skating free but if " Preserving the Union" is the objective then prosecuting a corpse and his crack head son seems like an acceptable trade-off.
Unknown to Americans, Biden signed away America's sovereignty to the UN at the end of Sept this year. I hope that Trump can rescind the US participation somehow
Illegal executives cannot sign away shit unless the people have no balls. The senate handles treaties, if they sign off, remove their balls.
Looking forward to the official ACTION which severs the ties with the WHO. Until then, this is all talk.
The greatest to my ears!
A year-old video promise. That he MUST honor.
Awesome news! I hope it happens for the US people. 💛