Delicious! Congratulations. I'll wager those with a smidgin of insight that were compliant, conned or coerced will be overwhelmed by their own sense of nauseating self-revulsion. It's telling that those charged with teaching critical thinking appear the least capable of applying it or of demonstrating their mastery. For a regrettably lar…
Delicious! Congratulations. I'll wager those with a smidgin of insight that were compliant, conned or coerced will be overwhelmed by their own sense of nauseating self-revulsion. It's telling that those charged with teaching critical thinking appear the least capable of applying it or of demonstrating their mastery. For a regrettably large part, State sector teachers have descended into a rainbow tinted pantomime of ideologically centred parody.
Delicious! Congratulations. I'll wager those with a smidgin of insight that were compliant, conned or coerced will be overwhelmed by their own sense of nauseating self-revulsion. It's telling that those charged with teaching critical thinking appear the least capable of applying it or of demonstrating their mastery. For a regrettably large part, State sector teachers have descended into a rainbow tinted pantomime of ideologically centred parody.