That is the point of it all…the slaves do not have the money to move out of the UK….thus these Marxist Progressives…will not be the ones really hurting it is the common folk. Buckle up UKers you are in for a very twist evil ride by those YOU likely elected…I say likely …for corruption by the counters is how Marxist win elections….

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Don't forget the after-effects of £300-400 billion spent on lockdowns based on no science. 'Building, back, better.'

''Based on less precise estimates of GDP going further back, the decline in 2020 was the largest since 1709''


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Same thing is happening in the US. If Skamala and Awolz get in the world is doomed.

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Does anyone out there understand the implications of Torte Law. Because it is doubtful that an authority can comprehend the complexity of the expectations of the learned of applied science in this twenty first century. We maybe in this moment uniquely defined by the contracts that brought us here but with multipath integrals we can find the roots of suppressive forces that has made brought us to be much less than mediocre. Within this degree of mediocrity is breach of contract with the people where suffrage is neverending, yet seemingly increasing. This perpetual suffrage is an emergent property of entropic potential and is an egregious violation of the second law of thermodynamics.

Bill of rights

Freedom of religion, no persecution for believing in fairytales and we pay for the infrastructure. Atheists' rights have been persecuted for most of time contributing to modernity all the while building it.

As we build we innovate, our minds are quick , and as the future unfolds our lost expections of a better tomorrow are a personal a defeat. Because the majority, four fifths, are unable to realize the possibility progress trickles down over free energy.

Minds of enginuity , the other fifth, built the stages of the world for intelegence and its culture to play.

The Bill of Rights is between the individual and the legislative regime, the monotheists extensively use this to extract worth.

As an atheist, where's my worth and twenty first century. Covid should at least kill the subsidies to the religions along with the perpetrators, it's our time and our laws.

Torte Law is fundamentally a WTF moment in a contract, here we are, my concern is they will dick around get rid of it locally and have us watch Neo Nuremberg like a world Cup and have trickle down justice for the local bastards.

How about the six year olds they won't be silenced like my parents.

Class action or general strike

I'm in need of help


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