The US populace have long since been detached, groomed and disenfranchised by the BigGOV, BigCORP, BigMEDIA. The West is in the throes of being gutted and the Globalista will hold the World in thrall unless this historical point of inflection, flexes.

Should things implode, at that juncture those few who still remain alive and healthy will come to realise they have nothing left to lose.

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Political parties select candidates that suit "parties" - the "parties" are no longer fit for purpose.

Fresh "core" deliverable and measurable (rational) values - rooted in common sense and costs - including debt servicing - need to be formed. The US Constitution (and Bill of Rights) and the Magna Carta are still good starting points.

I note that US federal taxes - under Article 10 - were supposed to ONLY cover defence and debt servicing - and welfare.

"welfare" has a completely different meaning these days and needs closer definition!

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They were indeed useful starting points though the onion of control now possesses so many layers of intersecting self-interest it is difficult to see how people reclaim their destiny? Of the those who remain alive and healthy, The Great Restoration will require three critical elements that have been intentionally lost or diminished: self-discipline, knowledge and the skill of critical thinking.

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